Martin Mittendorff
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Cited by
CMOS integrated antenna-coupled field-effect transistors for the detection of radiation from 0.2 to 4.3 THz
S Boppel, A Lisauskas, M Mundt, D Seliuta, L Minkevicius, I Kasalynas, ...
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 60 (12), 3834-3843, 2012
Ultrafast graphene-based broadband THz detector
M Mittendorff, S Winnerl, J Kamann, J Eroms, D Weiss, H Schneider, ...
Applied Physics Letters 103 (2), 021113, 2013
Graphene-based waveguide-integrated terahertz modulator
M Mittendorff, S Li, TE Murphy
ACS Photonics 4 (2), 316-321, 2017
Nonlinear Terahertz Absorption of Graphene Plasmons
MM Jadidi, JC König-Otto, S Winnerl, AB Sushkov, HD Drew, TE Murphy, ...
Nano Letters, 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b00405, 2016
Anisotropy of Excitation and Relaxation of Photogenerated Charge Carriers in Graphene
M Mittendorff, T Winzer, E Malic, A Knorr, C Berger, WA de Heer, ...
Nano letters 14 (3), 1504-1507, 2014
Transient Increase of the Energy Gap of Superconducting NbN Thin Films Excited by Resonant Narrow-Band Terahertz Pulses
M Beck, I Rousseau, M Klammer, P Leiderer, M Mittendorff, S Winnerl, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (26), 267003, 2013
Carrier dynamics in Landau-quantized graphene featuring strong Auger scattering
M Mittendorff, F Wendler, E Malic, A Knorr, M Orlita, M Potemski, C Berger, ...
Nature Physics 11 (1), 75-81, 2015
Time-resolved spectroscopy on epitaxial graphene in the infrared spectral range: relaxation dynamics and saturation behavior
S Winnerl, F Göttfert, M Mittendorff, H Schneider, M Helm, T Winzer, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (5), 054202, 2013
1550 nm ErAs: In (Al) GaAs large area photoconductive emitters
S Preu, M Mittendorff, H Lu, HB Weber, S Winnerl, AC Gossard
Applied Physics Letters 101 (10), 101105, 2012
Carrier dynamics and transient photobleaching in thin layers of black phosphorus
RJ Suess, MM Jadidi, TE Murphy, M Mittendorff
Applied Physics Letters 107 (8), 081103, 2015
Electrical tunability of terahertz nonlinearity in graphene
S Kovalev, HA Hafez, KJ Tielrooij, JC Deinert, I Ilyakov, N Awari, ...
Science Advances 7 (15), eabf9809, 2021
Absorption saturation in optically excited graphene
T Winzer, A Knorr, M Mittendorff, S Winnerl, MB Lien, D Sun, TB Norris, ...
Applied Physics Letters 101 (22), 221115, 2012
Mid-infrared time-resolved photoconduction in black phosphorus
RJ Suess, E Leong, JL Garrett, T Zhou, R Salem, JN Munday, TE Murphy, ...
2D Materials 3 (4), 041006, 2016
Universal phase relation between longitudinal and transverse fields observed in focused terahertz beams
S Winnerl, R Hubrich, M Mittendorff, H Schneider, M Helm
New Journal of Physics 14 (10), 103049, 2012
Slow Noncollinear Coulomb Scattering in the Vicinity of the Dirac Point in Graphene
SW J. C. König-Otto, M. Mittendorff, T. Winzer, F. Kadi, E. Malic, A. Knorr ...
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 087401, 2016
2D THz Optoelectronics
M Mittendorff, S Winnerl, TE Murphy
Advanced Optical Materials, 2001500, 2020
Microscopic description of intraband absorption in graphene: the occurrence of transient negative differential transmission
F Kadi, T Winzer, E Malic, A Knorr, F Göttfert, M Mittendorff, S Winnerl, ...
Physical review letters 113 (3), 035502, 2014
Gouy phase shift of a tightly focused, radially polarized beam
KJ Kaltenecker, JC König-Otto, M Mittendorff, S Winnerl, H Schneider, ...
Optica 3 (1), 35-41, 2016
Ultra-fast transistor-based detectors for precise timing of near infrared and THz signals
S Preu, M Mittendorff, S Winnerl, H Lu, AC Gossard, HB Weber
Optics express 21 (15), 17941-17950, 2013
Carrier Dynamics in Graphene: Ultrafast Many‐Particle Phenomena
E Malic, T Winzer, F Wendler, S Brem, R Jago, A Knorr, M Mittendorff, ...
Annalen der Physik, 1700038, 2017
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Articles 1–20