stephan howden
stephan howden
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Disappearance of flow in heavy-ion collisions
D Krofcheck, W Bauer, GM Crawley, C Djalali, S Howden, CA Ogilvie, ...
Physical Review Letters 63 (19), 2028, 1989
Disappearance of flow and its relevance to nuclear matter physics
CA Ogilvie, W Bauer, DA Cebra, J Clayton, S Howden, J Karn, A Nadasen, ...
Physical Review C 42 (1), R10, 1990
Transverse collective motion in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions
CA Ogilvie, DA Cebra, J Clayton, P Danielewicz, S Howden, J Karn, ...
Physical Review C 40 (6), 2592, 1989
Effects of river inputs into the Bay of Bengal
SD Howden, R Murtugudde
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 106 (C9), 19825-19843, 2001
Autonomous seawater pCO2 and pH time series from 40 surface buoys and the emergence of anthropogenic trends
AJ Sutton, RA Feely, S Maenner-Jones, S Musielwicz, J Osborne, ...
Earth System Science Data 11 (1), 421-439, 2019
The Integrated Ocean Observing System high-frequency radar network: Status and local, regional, and national applications
J Harlan, E Terrill, L Hazard, C Keen, D Barrick, C Whelan, S Howden, ...
Marine Technology Society Journal 44 (6), 122-132, 2010
Were Multiple Stressors a ‘Perfect Storm’ for Northern Gulf of Mexico Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in 2011?
RH Carmichael, WM Graham, A Aven, G Worthy, S Howden
PLoS one 7 (7), e41155, 2012
Mesoscale variability in the South China Sea from the TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry data
L Wang, CJ Koblinsky, S Howden
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 47 (4), 681-708, 2000
Azimuthal asymmetry in Ar+ V collisions from E/A= 35 to 85 MeV
WK Wilson, W Benenson, DA Cebra, J Clayton, S Howden, J Karn, T Li, ...
Physical Review C 41 (5), R1881, 1990
A comparison of methods for determining significant wave heights—Applied to a 3-m discus buoy during Hurricane Katrina
LC Bender, NL Guinasso, JN Walpert, SD Howden
Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology 27 (6), 1012-1028, 2010
Determination of the impact vector in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions
CA Ogilvie, DA Cebra, J Clayton, S Howden, J Karn, A Vander Molen, ...
Physical Review C 40 (2), 654, 1989
Disappearance of flow as a probe of the nuclear equation of state
D Krofcheck, W Bauer, GM Crawley, S Howden, CA Ogilvie, ...
Physical Review C 46 (4), 1416, 1992
Sea surface salinity measurements in the historical database
FM Bingham, SD Howden, CJ Koblinsky
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 107 (C12), SRF 20-1-SRF 20-10, 2002
Satellite estimation of coastal pCO2 and air-sea flux of carbon dioxide in the northern Gulf of Mexico
SE Lohrenz, WJ Cai, S Chakraborty, WJ Huang, X Guo, R He, Z Xue, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 207, 71-83, 2018
Annual Rossby wave in the southern Indian Ocean: Why does it “appear” to break down in the middle ocean?
L Wang, CJ Koblinsky, S Howden
Journal of physical oceanography 31 (1), 54-74, 2001
Event-shape analysis: Sequential versus simultaneous multifragment emission
DA Cebra, S Howden, J Karn, A Nadasen, CA Ogilvie, A Vander Molen, ...
Physical Review Letters 64 (19), 2246, 1990
Northern Arabian Sea variability from TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry data: an extension of the US JGOFS/ONR shipboard ADCP study
HS Kim, CN Flagg, SD Howden
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 48 (6-7), 1069-1096, 2001
Temporal and spatial distributions of nutrients and trace elements (Ba, Cs, Cr, Fe, Mn, Mo, U, V and Re) in Mississippi coastal waters: Influence of hypoxia, submarine …
P Ho, MJ Shim, SD Howden, AM Shiller
Continental Shelf Research 175, 53-69, 2019
Functioning of coastal river-dominated ecosystems and implications for oil spill response: from observations to mechanisms and models
AT Greer, AM Shiller, EE Hofmann, JD Wiggert, SJ Warner, SM Parra, ...
Oceanography 31 (3), 90-103, 2018
Estuarine influence on biogeochemical properties of the Alabama shelf during the fall season
B Dzwonkowski, AT Greer, C Briseņo-Avena, JW Krause, IM Soto, ...
Continental Shelf Research 140, 96-109, 2017
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