Alcides Velasquez
Cited by
Cited by
Motivations to participate in online communities
C Lampe, R Wash, A Velasquez, E Ozkaya
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2010
Youth collective activism through social media: The role of collective efficacy
A Velasquez, R LaRose
New Media & Society 17 (6), 899-918, 2015
Social media for social change: Social media political efficacy and activism in student activist groups
A Velasquez, R LaRose
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 59 (3), 456-474, 2015
Political expression on social media: The role of communication competence and expected outcomes
A Velasquez, H Rojas
Social Media+ Society 3 (1), 2056305117696521, 2017
Social media and online political discussion: The effect of cues and informational cascades on participation in online political communities
A Velasquez
New Media & Society 14 (8), 1286-1303, 2012
Latent users in an online user-generated content community
A Velasquez, R Wash, C Lampe, T Bjornrud
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 23, 21-50, 2014
The use of online social networking by rural youth and its effects on community attachment
H Ei Chew, R LaRose, C Steinfield, A Velasquez
Information, Communication & Society 14 (5), 726-747, 2011
Online and offline interactions in online communities
W McCully, C Lampe, C Sarkar, A Velasquez, A Sreevinasan
Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on wikis and open …, 2011
Habit as an explanation of participation in an online peer-production community
D Wohn, A Velasquez, T Bjornrud, C Lampe
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2012
Classroom Wikipedia participation effects on future intentions to contribute
C Lampe, J Obar, E Ozkaya, P Zube, A Velasquez
Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative …, 2012
Ethnic minorities’ social media political use: How ingroup identification, selective exposure, and collective efficacy shape social media political expression
A Velasquez, G Montgomery, JA Hall
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 24 (4), 147-164, 2019
Facilitating social media and offline political engagement during electoral cycles: Using social cognitive theory to explain political action among Hispanics and Latinos
A Velasquez, AM Quenette
Mass Communication and Society 21 (6), 763-784, 2018
Scoping review of studies on food marketing in Latin America: Summary of existing evidence and research gaps
MM Chemas-Velez, LF Gómez, A Velasquez, M Mora-Plazas, DC Parra
Revista de saude publica 53, 107, 2020
Juego y cultura digital...¿ Qué se traen los juegos en línea?
N González Romero, A Salazar, A Velásquez
Signo y Pensamiento 28 (54), 370-376, 2009
Social media expression as a collective strategy: How perceptions of discrimination and group status shape US Latinos’ online discussions of immigration
A Velasquez, G Montgomery
Social Media+ Society 6 (1), 2056305120914009, 2020
WhatsApp political expression and political participation: The role of ethnic minorities’ group solidarity and political talk ethnic heterogeneity
A Velasquez, AM Quenette, H Rojas
International Journal of Communication 15, 22, 2021
Convergencias en medios digitales: la labor del editor y del arquitecto de información
A Velásquez
Signo y pensamiento, 174-190, 2007
The gap between producer intentions and consumer behavior in social media
E Rader, A Velasquez, K Hales, H Kwok
GROUP'12, 17th ACM international conference on Supporting group work, 249-252, 2012
Extent and nutritional quality of foods and beverages to which children are exposed in Colombian TV food advertising
A Velasquez, M Mora-Plazas, LF Gómez, LS Taillie, FRD Carpentier
Public Health Nutrition 24 (4), 706-716, 2021
Digital divide in Colombia: The role of motivational and material access in the use and types of use of ICTs
A Velasquez
International Journal of Communication 7 (2013), 2013
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Articles 1–20