Partha Saha
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Cited by
Modeling of electrical discharge machining process using back propagation neural network and multi-objective optimization using non-dominating sorting genetic algorithm-II
D Mandal, SK Pal, P Saha
Journal of materials processing technology 186 (1-3), 154-162, 2007
Crack and wear behavior of SiC particulate reinforced aluminium based metal matrix composite fabricated by direct metal laser sintering process
SK Ghosh, P Saha
Materials & Design 32 (1), 139-145, 2011
An experimental design approach to selective laser sintering of low carbon steel
AN Chatterjee, S Kumar, P Saha, PK Mishra, AR Choudhury
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 136 (1-3), 151-157, 2003
Performance of different structured surfaces in nucleate pool boiling
AK Das, PK Das, P Saha
Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (17-18), 3643-3653, 2009
Soft computing models based prediction of cutting speed and surface roughness in wire electro-discharge machining of tungsten carbide cobalt composite
P Saha, A Singha, SK Pal, P Saha
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 39, 74-84, 2008
Nucleate boiling of water from plain and structured surfaces
AK Das, PK Das, P Saha
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 31 (8), 967-977, 2007
Artificial neural network model in surface modification by EDM using tungsten–copper powder metallurgy sintered electrodes
PK Patowari, P Saha, PK Mishra
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 51, 627-638, 2010
Direct selective laser sintering of iron–graphite powder mixture
K Murali, AN Chatterjee, P Saha, R Palai, S Kumar, SK Roy, PK Mishra, ...
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 136 (1-3), 179-185, 2003
Surface integrity of C-40 steel processed with WC-Cu powder metallurgy green compact tools in EDM
PK Patowari, UK Mishra, P Saha, PK Mishra
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 26 (5), 668-676, 2011
Taguchi analysis of surface modification technique using W-Cu powder metallurgy sintered tools in EDM and characterization of the deposited layer
PK Patowari, P Saha, PK Mishra
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 54, 593-604, 2011
Influence of size and volume fraction of SiC particulates on properties of ex situ reinforced Al–4.5 Cu–3Mg metal matrix composite prepared by direct metal laser sintering process
SK Ghosh, P Saha, S Kishore
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (18-19), 4694-4701, 2010
Enhancing the biocompatibility of Ti6Al4V implants by laser surface microtexturing: an in vitro study
S Mukherjee, S Dhara, P Saha
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 76, 5-15, 2015
Electrical Power Generation from Wet Textile Mediated by Spontaneous Nano-Scale Evaporation
SS Das, V Pedireddi, A Bandopadhyay, P Saha, S Chakraborty
Nano Letters 19 (10), 7191-7200, 2019
Limiting drawing ratio and deep drawing behavior of dual phase steel tailor welded blanks: FE simulation and experimental validation
K Bandyopadhyay, SK Panda, P Saha, G Padmanabham
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 217, 48-64, 2015
An experimental investigation of surface modification of C-40 steel using W–Cu powder metallurgy sintered compact tools in EDM
PK Patowari, P Saha, PK Mishra
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 80, 343-360, 2015
Identifying defects and problems in laser cladding and suggestions of some remedies for the same
B Haldar, P Saha
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (5), 13090–13101, 2018
Heat transfer during pool boiling based on evaporation from micro and macrolayer
AK Das, PK Das, P Saha
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49 (19-20), 3487-3499, 2006
Multi-objective optimization in wire-electro-discharge machining of TiC reinforced composite through Neuro-Genetic technique
P Saha, D Tarafdar, SK Pal, P Saha, AK Srivastava, K Das
Applied Soft Computing 13 (4), 2065-2074, 2013
Synthesis of calcium hydrogen phosphate and hydroxyapatite coating on SS316 substrate through pulsed electrodeposition
R Chakraborty, S Sengupta, P Saha, K Das, S Das
Materials Science and Engineering: C 69, 875-883, 2016
Development of an in-situ multi-component reinforced Al-based metal matrix composite by direct metal laser sintering technique—Optimization of process parameters
SK Ghosh, K Bandyopadhyay, P Saha
Materials characterization 93, 68-78, 2014
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Articles 1–20