Cevat Sarioglu
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Cited by
High-temperature stress measurements during the oxidation of NiAl
E Schumann, C Sarioglu, JR Blachere, FS Pettit, GH Meier
Oxidation of metals 53, 259-272, 2000
Residual stress estimation of ceramic thin films by X-ray diffraction and indentation techniques
E Atar, C Sarioglu, U Demirler, ES Kayali, H Cimenoglu
Scripta Materialia 48 (9), 1331-1336, 2003
Fabrication and characterization of novel iodine doped hollow and mesoporous hematite (Fe2O3) particles derived from sol-gel method and their photocatalytic performances
S Demirci, M Yurddaskal, T Dikici, C Sarıoğlu
Journal of hazardous materials 345, 27-37, 2018
Measurement of residual stresses by X-ray diffraction techniques in MoN and Mo2N coatings deposited by arc PVD on high-speed steel substrate
C Sarioglu, U Demirler, MK Kazmanli, M Urgen
Surface and Coatings Technology 190 (2-3), 238-243, 2005
The control of sulfur content in nickel-base, single crystal superalloys and its effect on cyclic oxidation resistance
C Sarioglu, C Stinner, JR Blanchere, N Birks, FS Pettit, GH Meier
Superalloys 96, 71-80, 1996
The adhesion of alumina films to metallic alloys and coatings
GH Meier, MJ Stiger, JR Blachere, FS Pettit, C Sarioglu, R Janakiraman, ...
Materials and Corrosion 51 (5), 358-372, 2000
Metal chalcogenide based photocatalysts decorated with heteroatom doped reduced graphene oxide for photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical hydrogen production
D Akyüz, RMZ Ayaz, S Yılmaz, Ö Uğuz, C Sarıoğlu, F Karaca, AR Özkaya, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (34), 18836-18847, 2019
The effect of anisotropy on residual stress values and modification of Serruys approach to residual stress calculations for coatings such as TiN, ZrN and HfN
C Sarioglu
Surface and coatings technology 201 (3-4), 707-717, 2006
X-ray determination of stresses in alumina scales on high temperature alloys
C Sarioglu, E Schumann, JR Blachere, FS Pettit, GH Meier
Materials at high temperatures 17 (1), 109-115, 2000
The effects of reactive element additions, sulfur removal, and specimen thickness on the oxidation behaviour of alumina-forming Ni-and Fe-base alloys
S Sarioglu, JR Blachere, FS Pettit, GH Meier, JL Smialek, C Mennicke
Materials science forum 251, 405-412, 1997
Photocatalytic–electrocatalytic dual hydrogen production system
M Aydemir, D Akyüz, B Agopcan, MK Şener, FK Albayrak, C Sarıoğlu, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (19), 8209-8220, 2016
Residual stresses in (Zr, Hf) N films (up to 11.9 at.% Hf) measured by X-ray diffraction using experimentally calculated XECs
E Atar, C Sarioglu, H Cimenoglu, ES Kayali
Surface and Coatings Technology 191 (2-3), 188-194, 2005
Room temperature and in situ high temperature strain or stress measurements by XRD techniques
C Sarioglu, JR Blachere, FS Pettit, GH Meier
Microscopy of Oxidation--3, 41-51, 1996
A new sulfur source for the preparation of efficient Cd (1-x) ZnxS photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
B Agopcan, D Akyüz, F Karaca, C Sarıoğlu, A Koca
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (17), 8206-8220, 2018
Fast and low-cost fabrication of 1D hematite photoanode in pure water vapor and air atmosphere: Investigation the effect of the oxidation atmosphere on the PEC performance of …
S Demirci, C Sarioglu
international journal of hydrogen energy, 1-11, 2017
The effect of plasma detonation parameters on residual stresses developed in the plasma modified layer
YY Ozbek, C Sarioglu, M Durman
Vacuum 106, 11-15, 2014
Photoelectrochemical performance of thermally sulfurized CdxZn1-xS photoanode: Enhancement with reduced graphene oxide support
RMZ Ayaz, D Akyüz, Ö Uğuz, İ Tanşık, C Sarıoğlu, F Karaca, AR Özkaya, ...
Renewable Energy 162, 182-195, 2020
Heat capacity measurements on BaTa2O6 and derivation of its thermodynamic functions
M İlhan, A Mergen, C Sarıoğlu, C Yaman
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-5, 2016
Microscopy of oxidation 3
C Sarioglu, JR Blachere, FS Pettit, GH Meier
London: The Institute of Materials, 41, 1997
Corrosion of CrN-coated stainless steel in a NaCl solution (w= 3%)
CS Israfil Kucuk
Materiali in tehnologije 49 (1), 19-26, 2015
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Articles 1–20