Issei Fujishiro
Issei Fujishiro
Professor of Information and Computer Science, Keio University
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A feature-driven approach to locating optimal viewpoints for volume visualization
S Takahashi, I Fujishiro, Y Takeshima, T Nishita
VIS 05. IEEE Visualization, 2005., 495-502, 2005
Topological volume skeletonization and its application to transfer function design
S Takahashi, Y Takeshima, I Fujishiro
Graphical Models 66 (1), 24-49, 2004
Automating transfer function design for comprehensible volume rendering based on 3D field topology analysis
I Fujishiro, T Azuma, Y Takeshima
Proceedings Visualization'99 (Cat. No. 99CB37067), 467-563, 1999
Volumetric data exploration using interval volume
I Fujishiro, Y Maeda, H Sato, Y Takeshima
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2 (2), 144-155, 1996
Volume data mining using 3D field topology analysis
I Fujishiro, Y Takeshima, T Azuma, S Takahashi
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20 (5), 46-51, 2000
Volumetric modeling of colored pencil drawing
S Takgi, I Fujishiro, M Nakajima
Proceedings. Seventh Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and …, 1999
Evolution of bioconvection patterns in a culture of motile flagellates
A Harashima, M Watanabe, I Fujishiro
The Physics of fluids 31 (4), 764-775, 1988
Implicit formulation for SPH‐based viscous fluids
T Takahashi, Y Dobashi, I Fujishiro, T Nishita, MC Lin
Computer Graphics Forum 34 (2), 493-502, 2015
Topological volume skeletonization using adaptive tetrahedralization
S Takahashi, Y Takeshima, GM Nielson, I Fujishiro
Geometric Modeling and Processing, 2004. Proceedings, 227-236, 2004
Optimizing parallel performance of streamline visualization for large distributed flow datasets
L Chen, I Fujishiro
2008 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, 87-94, 2008
Interval volume: a solid fitting technique for volumetric data display and analysis
I Fujishiro, Y Maeda, H Sato
Proceedings Visualization'95, 151-158, 1995
Performance visualization: a new challenge to music through visualization
R Hiraga, R Mizaki, I Fujishiro
Proceedings of the tenth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 239-242, 2002
Introducing topological attributes for objective-based visualization of simulated datasets
Y Takeshima, S Takahashi, I Fujishiro, GM Nielson
Fourth International Workshop on Volume Graphics, 2005., 137-236, 2005
GADGET/IV: a taxonomic approach to semi-automatic design of information visualization applications using modular visualization environment
I Fujishiro, Y Ichikawa, R Furuhata, Y Takeshima
IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization 2000. INFOVIS 2000. Proceedings …, 2000
Applying manifold learning to plotting approximate contour trees
S Takahashi, I Fujishiro, M Okada
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15 (6), 1185-1192, 2009
Modeling Surperspective Projection of Landscapes for Geographical Guide‐Map Generation
S Takahashi, N Ohta, H Nakamura, Y Takeshima, I Fujishiro
Computer Graphics Forum 21 (3), 259-268, 2002
GADGET: Goal-oriented application design guidance for modular visualization environments
I Fujishiro, Y Takeshima, Y Ichikawa, K Nakamura
Proceedings. Visualization'97 (Cat. No. 97CB36155), 245-252, 1997
Music learning through visualization
R Hiraga, F Watanabe, I Fujishiro
Second International Conference on Web Delivering of Music, 2002. WEDELMUSIC …, 2002
True 3D display
H Kimura, A Asano, I Fujishiro, A Nakatani, H Watanabe
ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 Emerging Technologies, 1-1, 2011
Interval volume decomposer: A topological approach to volume traversal
S Takahashi, I Fujishiro, Y Takeshima
Visualization and Data Analysis 2005 5669, 103-114, 2005
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Articles 1–20