Dr. Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed
Dr. Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Cited by
Efficient tree structures for high utility pattern mining in incremental databases
CF Ahmed, SK Tanbeer, BS Jeong, YK Lee
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 21 (12), 1708-1721, 2009
Discovering periodic-frequent patterns in transactional databases
SK Tanbeer, CF Ahmed, BS Jeong, YK Lee
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 13th Pacific-Asia …, 2009
Sliding window-based frequent pattern mining over data streams
SK Tanbeer, CF Ahmed, BS Jeong, YK Lee
Information sciences 179 (22), 3843-3865, 2009
Efficient single-pass frequent pattern mining using a prefix-tree
SK Tanbeer, CF Ahmed, BS Jeong, YK Lee
Information Sciences 179 (5), 559-583, 2009
A novel approach for mining high‐utility sequential patterns in sequence databases
CF Ahmed, SK Tanbeer, BS Jeong
ETRI journal 32 (5), 676-686, 2010
CP-tree: a tree structure for single-pass frequent pattern mining
SK Tanbeer, CF Ahmed, BS Jeong, YK Lee
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 12th Pacific-Asia …, 2008
Interactive mining of high utility patterns over data streams
CF Ahmed, SK Tanbeer, BS Jeong, HJ Choi
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (15), 11979-11991, 2012
A new framework for mining weighted periodic patterns in time series databases
AK Chanda, CF Ahmed, M Samiullah, CK Leung
Expert Systems with Applications 79, 207-224, 2017
HUC-Prune: an efficient candidate pruning technique to mine high utility patterns
CF Ahmed, SK Tanbeer, BS Jeong, YK Lee
Applied Intelligence 34, 181-198, 2011
Mining frequent patterns from human interactions in meetings using directed acyclic graphs
A Fariha, CF Ahmed, CKS Leung, SM Abdullah, L Cao
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 17th Pacific-Asia …, 2013
Mining high utility web access sequences in dynamic web log data
CF Ahmed, SK Tanbeer, BS Jeong
2010 11th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial …, 2010
Single-pass incremental and interactive mining for weighted frequent patterns
CF Ahmed, SK Tanbeer, BS Jeong, YK Lee, HJ Choi
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (9), 7976-7994, 2012
Mining weighted frequent sequences in uncertain databases
MM Rahman, CF Ahmed, CKS Leung
Information Sciences 479, 76-100, 2019
Mining maximal frequent patterns in transactional databases and dynamic data streams: a spark-based approach
MR Karim, M Cochez, OD Beyan, CF Ahmed, S Decker
Information Sciences 432, 278-300, 2018
Mining frequent patterns from hypergraph databases
MT Alam, CF Ahmed, M Samiullah, CK Leung
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 3-15, 2021
Effective periodic pattern mining in time series databases
MA Nishi, CF Ahmed, M Samiullah, BS Jeong
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (8), 3015-3027, 2013
A framework for mining interesting high utility patterns with a strong frequency affinity
CF Ahmed, SK Tanbeer, BS Jeong, HJ Choi
Information Sciences 181 (21), 4878-4894, 2011
Mining sequential patterns in uncertain databases using hierarchical index structure
KK Roy, MHH Moon, MM Rahman, CF Ahmed, CK Leung
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 29-41, 2021
A framework for mining high utility web access sequences
CF Ahmed, SK Tanbeer, BS Jeong
IETE technical review 28 (1), 3-16, 2011
Efficient frequent pattern mining over data streams
SK Tanbeer, CF Ahmed, BS Jeong, YK Lee
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Information and knowledge …, 2008
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Articles 1–20