Swami Manohar
Swami Manohar
Other namesManohar Swaminathan, S. Manohar
Microsoft Research, LimberLink Technologies, Strand Lifesciences, Indian Institute of Science
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Cited by
Cited by
Voxel-based modeling for layered manufacturing
V Chandru, S Manohar, CE Prakash
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 15 (6), 42-47, 1995
Codetalk: Improving programming environment accessibility for visually impaired developers
V Potluri, P Vaithilingam, S Iyengar, Y Vidya, M Swaminathan, G Srinivasa
Proceedings of the 2018 chi conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
Fall-curve: A novel primitive for IoT Fault Detection and Isolation
T Chakraborty, AU Nambi, R Chandra, R Sharma, M Swaminathan, ...
Proceedings of the 16th ACM conference on embedded networked sensor systems …, 2018
Up to a limit? privacy concerns of bystanders and their willingness to share additional information with visually impaired users of assistive technologies
T Ahmed, A Kapadia, V Potluri, M Swaminathan
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2018
A unified architecture for the computation of B-spline curves and surfaces
M Gopi, S Manohar
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 8 (12), 1275-1287, 1997
Volume rendering of unstructured grids—a voxelization approach
CE Prakash, S Manohar
Computers & Graphics 19 (5), 711-726, 1995
Smartphone usage by expert blind users
M Jain, N Diwakar, M Swaminathan
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
Privacy considerations of the visually impaired with camera based assistive technologies: Misrepresentation, impropriety, and fairness
T Akter, T Ahmed, A Kapadia, SM Swaminathan
Proceedings of the 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers …, 2020
Techniques for realistic visualization of fluids: A survey
N Adabala, S Manohar
Computer Graphics Forum 21 (1), 65-82, 2002
CurrentSense: A novel approach for fault and drift detection in environmental IoT sensors
S Marathe, A Nambi, M Swaminathan, R Sutaria
Proceedings of the international conference on internet-of-things design and …, 2021
Pragmatic approach to systolic design
S Manohar, G Baudet
IEE Proceedings E-Computers and Digital Techniques 137 (4), 277-282, 1990
Modeling and rendering of gaseous phenomena using particle maps
N Adabala, S Manohar
The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 11 (5), 279-293, 2000
Low-cost aerial imaging for small holder farmers
A Jain, Z Kapetanovic, A Kumar, VN Swamy, R Patil, D Vasisht, R Sharma, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCAS conference on computing and sustainable …, 2019
Line clipping revisited: Two efficient algorithms based on simple geometric observations
NC Sharma, S Manohar
Computers & graphics 16 (1), 51-54, 1992
VStroll: An audio-based virtual exploration to encourage walking among people with vision impairments
G India, M Jain, P Karya, N Diwakar, M Swaminathan
Proceedings of the 23rd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers …, 2021
Conceptual learning through accessible play: Project torino and computational thinking for blind children in india
G India, G Ramakrishna, J Pal, M Swaminathan
Proceedings of the 2020 international conference on information and …, 2020
Advances in volume graphics
S Manohar
Computers & Graphics 23 (1), 73-84, 1999
Minkowski operators for voxel based sculpting
S Sethia, S Manohar
Computers & Graphics 22 (5), 593-600, 1998
Volume modelling for emerging manufacturing technologies
V Chandru, S Manohar
Sadhana 22, 199-216, 1997
Error measures and 3D anti-aliasing for voxel data
CE Prakash, S Manohar
World Scientific, 1995
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Articles 1–20