Anjan Dutta
Anjan Dutta
Senior Lecturer of Computer Science, University of Surrey
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Signet: Convolutional siamese network for writer independent offline signature verification
S Dey, A Dutta, JI Toledo, SK Ghosh, J Lladós, U Pal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.02131, 2017
Learning robust representations via multi-view information bottleneck
M Federici, A Dutta, P Forré, N Kushman, Z Akata
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2020
Doodle to search: Practical zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval
S Dey, P Riba, A Dutta, J Llados, YZ Song
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Semantically tied paired cycle consistency for zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval
A Dutta, Z Akata
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
CVC-MUSCIMA: a ground truth of handwritten music score images for writer identification and staff removal
A Fornés, A Dutta, A Gordo, J Lladós
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 15, 243-251, 2012
Table detection in invoice documents by graph neural networks
P Riba, A Dutta, L Goldmann, A Fornés, O Ramos, J Lladós
2019 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR …, 2019
Compact correlated features for writer independent signature verification
A Dutta, U Pal, J Lladós
2016 23rd international conference on pattern recognition (ICPR), 3422-3427, 2016
On the influence of word representations for handwritten word spotting in historical documents
J Lladós, M Rusinol, A Fornés, D Fernández, A Dutta
International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence 26 …, 2012
The ICDAR 2011 music scores competition: Staff removal and writer identification
A Fornés, A Dutta, A Gordo, J Llados
2011 international conference on document analysis and recognition, 1511-1515, 2011
Stochastic graphlet embedding
A Dutta, H Sahbi
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 30 (8), 2369-2382, 2018
New procedure: bronchoscopic endobronchial sealing: a new mode of managing hemoptysis
P Bhattacharyya, A Dutta, AN Samanta, SR Chowdhury
Chest 121 (6), 2066-2069, 2002
Audio processing and speech recognition: concepts, techniques and research overviews
S Sen, A Dutta, N Dey
Springer Singapore, 2019
A symbol spotting approach in graphical documents by hashing serialized graphs
A Dutta, J Lladós, U Pal
Pattern Recognition 46 (3), 752-768, 2013
Multi-oriented scene text detection in video based on wavelet and angle projection boundary growing
P Shivakumara, A Dutta, CL Tan, U Pal
Multimedia tools and applications 72, 515-539, 2014
An efficient staff removal approach from printed musical documents
A Dutta, U Pal, A Fornes, J Llados
2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1965-1968, 2010
Multi-head self-attention via vision transformer for zero-shot learning
F Alamri, A Dutta
Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, 2021
Rough-fuzzy based scene categorization for text detection and recognition in video
S Roy, P Shivakumara, N Jain, V Khare, A Dutta, U Pal, T Lu
Pattern Recognition 80, 64-82, 2018
A novel mutual nearest neighbor based symmetry for text frame classification in video
P Shivakumara, A Dutta, TQ Phan, CL Tan, U Pal
Pattern Recognition 44 (8), 1671-1683, 2011
Semantically tied paired cycle consistency for any-shot sketch-based image retrieval
A Dutta, Z Akata
International Journal of Computer Vision 128 (10), 2684-2703, 2020
Product graph-based higher order contextual similarities for inexact subgraph matching
A Dutta, J Lladós, H Bunke, U Pal
Pattern Recognition 76, 596-611, 2018
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Articles 1–20