Karen Hovsepian
Karen Hovsepian
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cStress: towards a gold standard for continuous stress assessment in the mobile environment
K Hovsepian, M Al'Absi, E Ertin, T Kamarck, M Nakajima, S Kumar
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and …, 2015
Finding significant stress episodes in a discontinuous time series of rapidly varying mobile sensor data
H Sarker, M Tyburski, MM Rahman, K Hovsepian, M Sharmin, DH Epstein, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2016
mPuff: automated detection of cigarette smoking puffs from respiration measurements
AA Ali, SM Hossain, K Hovsepian, MM Rahman, K Plarre, S Kumar
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Information Processing …, 2012
Estimating drivers' stress from GPS traces
S Vhaduri, A Ali, M Sharmin, K Hovsepian, S Kumar
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2014
Are we there yet? Feasibility of continuous stress assessment via wireless physiological sensors
MM Rahman, R Bari, AA Ali, M Sharmin, A Raij, K Hovsepian, ...
Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational …, 2014
Continuous in-the-field measurement of heart rate: Correlates of drug use, craving, stress, and mood in polydrug users
AP Kennedy, DH Epstein, ML Jobes, D Agage, M Tyburski, KA Phillips, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 151, 159-166, 2015
From markers to interventions: The case of just-in-time stress intervention
H Sarker, K Hovsepian, S Chatterjee, I Nahum-Shani, SA Murphy, ...
Mobile health: Sensors, analytic methods, and applications, 411-433, 2017
mCrave: continuous estimation of craving during smoking cessation
S Chatterjee, K Hovsepian, H Sarker, N Saleheen, M al'Absi, G Atluri, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2016
A first look: Towards explainable textvqa models via visual and textual explanations
VN Rao, X Zhen, K Hovsepian, M Shen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.02626, 2021
Rummana Bari, Amin Ahsan Ali, Moushumi Sharmin, Andrew Raij, Karen Hovsepian, Syed Monowar Hossain, Emre Ertin, Ashley Kennedy, David H
MM Rahman
Epstein, Kenzie L. Preston, Michelle Jobes, J. Gayle Beck, Satish Kedia …, 2014
Supervised inductive learning with Lotka–Volterra derived models
K Hovsepian, P Anselmo, S Mazumdar
Knowledge and information systems 26, 195-223, 2011
Similarity Based Classification
AE Bernal, K Hospevian, T Karadeniz, JL Lassez
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2810, 187-197, 2003
Detection and prediction of relative clustered volatility in financial markets
K Hovsepian, P Anselmo, S Mazumdar
4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Economics and …, 2005
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
K Hovsepian, M al’Absi, E Ertin, T Kamarck, M Nakajima, S Kumar
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks
AA Ali, SM Hossain, K Hovsepian, MM Rahman, K Plarre, S Kumar
‘Noise‐trader risk’and Bayesian market making in FX derivatives: rolling loaded dice?
CA Ulibarri, PC Anselmo, K Hovespian, J Tolk, I Florescu
International Journal of Finance & Economics 14 (3), 268-279, 2009
Unsupervised class-specific abstractive summarization of customer reviews
TNA Nguyen, M Shen, K Hovsepian
Proceedings of The 4th Workshop on e-Commerce and NLP, 88-100, 2021
Support Vector Classifier Approach for Detection of Clustered Volatility in Dynamic Time-Series
K Hovsepian, P Anselmo, S Mazumdar
New Mexico Tech, Tech. Rep, 2005
Epstein David H, Preston Kenzie L, Furr-Holden C Debra, Milam Adam, Nahum-Shani Inbal, et al. 2016. Finding significant stress episodes in a discontinuous time series of …
S Hillol, T Matthew, RM Mahbubur, H Karen, S Moushumi
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 0
Determination of root causes of customer returns
K Hovsepian, M Shen, S Appalaraju, A Shanley, V Patha
US Patent 11,526,665, 2022
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Articles 1–20