Johan Hoffman
Cited by
Cited by
Computational Turbulence
J Hoffman, C Johnson
Computational Turbulent Incompressible Flow: Applied Mathematics: Body and …, 2007
A new approach to computational turbulence modeling
J Hoffman, C Johnson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 195 (23-24), 2865-2880, 2006
The fenics project
J Hoffman, T Dupont, C Johnson, R Kirby, M Larson, A Logg, R Scott
Chalmers, 2003
Ocean energy systems wave energy modelling task: Modelling, verification and validation of wave energy converters
F Wendt, K Nielsen, YH Yu, H Bingham, C Eskilsson, M Kramer, A Babarit, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7 (11), 379, 2019
Unicorn: Parallel adaptive finite element simulation of turbulent flow and fluid–structure interaction for deforming domains and complex geometry
J Hoffman, J Jansson, RV de Abreu, NC Degirmenci, N Jansson, K Müller, ...
Computers & Fluids 80, 310-319, 2013
Applied mathematics: body and soul
K Eriksson, D Estep, C Johnson, J Hoffman
Springer, 2004
A mesh adaptation framework for dealing with large deforming meshes
G Compere, JF Remacle, J Jansson, J Hoffman
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 82 (7), 843-867, 2010
3D fluid-structure interaction simulation of aortic valves using a unified continuum ALE FEM model
JH Spühler, J Jansson, N Jansson, J Hoffman
Frontiers in physiology 9, 363, 2018
Computation of mean drag for bluff body problems using adaptive dns/les
J Hoffman
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 27 (1), 184-207, 2005
Resolution of d’Alembert’s paradox
J Hoffman, C Johnson
Journal of mathematical fluid mechanics 12, 321-334, 2010
Residual‐based artificial viscosity for simulation of turbulent compressible flow using adaptive finite element methods
M Nazarov, J Hoffman
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 71 (3), 339-357, 2013
Unified continuum modeling of fluid-structure interaction
J Hoffman, J Jansson, M Stöckli
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 21 (03), 491-513, 2011
Framework for massively parallel adaptive finite element computational fluid dynamics on tetrahedral meshes
N Jansson, J Hoffman, J Jansson
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 34 (1), C24-C41, 2012
Adaptive finite element methods for incompressible fluid flow
J Hoffman, C Johnson
Error estimation and adaptive discretization methods in computational fluid …, 2003
Adaptive simulation of the subcritical flow past a sphere
J Hoffman
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 568, 77-88, 2006
Efficient computation of mean drag for the subcritical flow past a circular cylinder using general Galerkin G2
J Hoffman
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 59 (11), 1241-1258, 2009
On duality-based a posteriori error estimation in various norms and linear functionals for large eddy simulation
J Hoffman
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 26 (1), 178-195, 2004
A computational study of turbulent flow separation for a circular cylinder using skin friction boundary conditions
J Hoffman, N Jansson
Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations II, 57-68, 2011
Towards a parameter-free method for high Reynolds number turbulent flow simulation based on adaptive finite element approximation
J Hoffman, J Jansson, N Jansson, RV De Abreu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 288, 60-74, 2015
Dreams of calculus: perspectives on mathematics education
J Hoffman, C Johnson, A Logg
Springer Science & Business Media, 2004
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Articles 1–20