Ayan Mondal
Ayan Mondal
Assistant Professor, CSE, IIT Indore
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Distributed Home Energy Management System with Storage in Smart Grid Using Game Theory
A Mondal, S Misra, MS Obaidat
IEEE Systems Journal, 2015
Game-Theoretic Topology Controlfor Opportunistic Localization in Sparse Underwater Sensor Networks
S Misra, T Ojha, A Mondal
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 14 (5), 990-1003, 2015
Residential energy management in smart grid: a Markov decision process-based approach
S Misra, A Mondal, S Banik, M Khatua, S Bera, MS Obaidat
IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings), 1152-1157, 2013
Optimal gateway selection in sensor-cloud framework for health monitoring
S Misra, S Bera, A Mondal, R Tirkey, HC Chao, S Chattopadhyay
IET Wireless Sensor Systems 4 (2), 61-68, 2014
Game-Theoretic Energy Trading Network Topology Control for Electric Vehicles in Mobile Smart Grid
A Mondal, S Misra
IET Networks 4 (4), 220 - 228, 2015
Dynamic coalition formation in a smart grid: A game theoretic approach.
A Mondal, S Misra
ICC Workshops, 1067-1071, 2013
Buffer Size Evaluation of OpenFlow Systems in Software-Defined Networks
A Mondal, S Misra, I Maity
IEEE Systems Journal, 1-8, 2018
Distributed topology management for wireless multimedia sensor networks: exploiting connectivity and cooperation
S Misra, G Mali, A Mondal
International Journal of Communication Systems 28 (7), 1367-1386, 2015
CURE: Consistent Update with Redundancy Reduction in SDN
I Mailty, A Mondal, S Misra, C Mandal
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 1-8, 2018
DEMANDS: Distributed Energy Management Using Non-cooperative Scheduling in Smart Grid
A Mondal, S Misra, L Patel, S Pal, MS Obaidat
IEEE Systems Journal, 2017
AMOPE: Performance Analysis of OpenFlow Systems in Software-Defined Networks
A Mondal, S Misra, I Maity
IEEE Systems Journal 14 (1), 124-131, 2019
Dynamic Trust Enforcing Pricing Scheme for Sensors-as-a-Service in Sensor-Cloud Infrastructure
A Chakraborty, A Mondal, A Roy, S Misra
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 1-12, 2018
Connectivity Re-establishment in the Presence of Dumb Nodes in Sensor-Cloud Infrastructure: A Game Theoretic Approach
A Roy, A Mondal, S Misra
Emerging Issues in Cloud (EIC) workshop in conjunction with the 6th IEEE …, 2014
QoS-aware dynamic cost management scheme for sensors-as-a-service
A Chakraborty, S Misra, A Mondal
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 15 (3), 1720-1731, 2020
FlowMan: QoS-Aware Dynamic Data Flow Management in Software-Defined Networks
A Mondal, S Misra
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (7), 1366-1373, 2020
Dynamic big-data broadcast in fat-tree data center networks with mobile IoT devices
S Misra, A Mondal, S Khajjayam
IEEE Systems Journal 13 (3), 2898-2905, 2019
SEED: QoS-Aware Sustainable Energy Distribution in Smart Grid
S Misra, A Mondal, PVS Kumar, SK Pal
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2021
FogPrime: Dynamic Pricing-Based Strategic Resource Management in Fog Networks
SC Misra, A Mondal
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (8), 8227-8236, 2021
Topology Control for Self-Adaptation in Wireless Sensor Networks with Temporary Connection Impairment
A Roy, S Misra, P Kar, A Mondal
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 2016
Tensor-Based Rule-Space Management System in SDN
I Maity, A Mondal, S Misra, C Mandal
IEEE Systems Journal 13 (4), 3921-3928, 2018
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Articles 1–20