Felipe Cadar Chamone
Felipe Cadar Chamone
Computer Vision Ph.D. Student, Universidade Federa de Minas Gerais and Université de Bourgogne
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Cited by
A weighted sparse sampling and smoothing frame transition approach for semantic fast-forward first-person videos
M Silva, W Ramos, J Ferreira, F Chamone, M Campos, ER Nascimento
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
Encyclopedic VQA: Visual questions about detailed properties of fine-grained categories
T Mensink, J Uijlings, L Castrejon, A Goel, F Cadar, H Zhou, F Sha, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2023
XFeat: Accelerated Features for Lightweight Image Matching
G Potje, F Cadar, A Araujo, R Martins, ER Nascimento
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2024
Making a long story short: A multi-importance fast-forwarding egocentric videos with the emphasis on relevant objects
MM Silva, WLS Ramos, FC Chamone, JPK Ferreira, MFM Campos, ...
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 53, 55-64, 2018
Enhancing deformable local features by jointly learning to detect and describe keypoints
G Potje, F Cadar, A Araujo, R Martins, ER Nascimento
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
GEOBIT: A geodesic-based binary descriptor invariant to non-rigid deformations for RGB-D images
ER Nascimento, G Potje, R Martins, F Cadar, MFM Campos, R Bajcsy
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2019
Semantic segmentation under adverse conditions: a weather and nighttime-aware synthetic data-based approach
A Kerim, F Chamone, W Ramos, LS Marcolino, ER Nascimento, R Jiang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.05626, 2022
Extracting deformation-aware local features by learning to deform
G Potje, R Martins, F Chamone, E Nascimento
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 10759-10771, 2021
A 3D modeling methodology based on a concavity-aware geometric test to create 3D textured coarse models from concept art and orthographic projections
SNS Junior, FC Chamone, RC Ferreira, ER Nascimento
Computers & Graphics 76, 73-83, 2018
Learning geodesic-aware local features from RGB-D images
G Potje, R Martins, F Cadar, ER Nascimento
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 219, 103409, 2022
Improving the matching of deformable objects by learning to detect keypoints
F Cadar, W Melo, V Kanagasabapathi, G Potje, R Martins, ER Nascimento
Pattern Recognition Letters 175, 83-89, 2023
Learning to detect good keypoints to match non-rigid objects in rgb images
W Melo, G Potje, F Cadar, R Martins, ER Nascimento
2022 35th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI) 1 …, 2022
An Immersion Enhancing Robotic Head-Like Device for Teleoperation.
PAF Rezeck, F Cadar, J Soares, B Frade, L Pinto, H Azpurua, ...
LARS/SBR/WRE, 164-169, 2018
Framework for haptic teleoperation of a remote robotic arm device
P Rezeck, B Frade, J Soares, L Pinto, F Cadar, H Azpurua, DG Macharet, ...
2018 Latin American Robotic Symposium, 2018 Brazilian Symposium on Robotics …, 2018
Leveraging Semantic Cues from Foundation Vision Models for Enhanced Local Feature Correspondence
F Cadar, G Potje, R Martins, C Demonceaux, ER Nascimento
Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 1268-1283, 2024
Encyclopedic VQA: Visual questions about detailed properties of fine-grained categories Supplementary Material
T Mensink, J Uijlings, L Castrejon, A Goel, F Cadar, H Zhou, F Sha, ...
Command Correction for Teleoperation using Reinforcment Learning
FC Chamone, ER do Nascimento
Realimentaçao de Força para Teleoperaçao de Escavadeiras
MV de Lima, A Cid, F Cadar, L Pinto, P Rezeck, T Grabe, G Freitas, ...
Galoá, 2019
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: Extracting Deformation-Aware Local Features by Learning to Deform
G Potje, R Martins, F Cadar, ER Nascimento
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Articles 1–19