Imane Boudellioua
Imane Boudellioua
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Cited by
The CAFA challenge reports improved protein function prediction and new functional annotations for hundreds of genes through experimental screens
N Zhou, Y Jiang, TR Bergquist, AJ Lee, BZ Kacsoh, AW Crocker, ...
Genome biology 20, 1-23, 2019
DeepPVP: phenotype-based prioritization of causative variants using deep learning
I Boudellioua, M Kulmanov, PN Schofield, GV Gkoutos, R Hoehndorf
BMC bioinformatics 20, 1-8, 2019
Semantic prioritization of novel causative genomic variants
I Boudellioua, RB Mahamad Razali, M Kulmanov, Y Hashish, VB Bajic, ...
PLoS computational biology 13 (4), e1005500, 2017
Prediction of metabolic pathway involvement in prokaryotic UniProtKB data by association rule mining
I Boudellioua, R Saidi, R Hoehndorf, MJ Martin, V Solovyev
PloS one 11 (7), e0158896, 2016
OligoPVP: Phenotype-driven analysis of individual genomic information to prioritize oligogenic disease variants
I Boudellioua, M Kulmanov, PN Schofield, GV Gkoutos, R Hoehndorf
Scientific reports 8 (1), 14681, 2018
Performance of algebraic graphs based stream-ciphers using large finite fields
A Touzene, V Ustimenko, M AlRaissi, I Boudelioua
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio AI–Informatica 11 (2 …, 2011
hCoronavirusesDB: an integrated bioinformatics resource for human coronaviruses
I Almansour, I Boudellioua
Database 2022, baac017, 2022
Rule mining techniques to predict prokaryotic metabolic pathways
R Saidi, I Boudellioua, MJ Martin, V Solovyev
Biological Networks and Pathway Analysis, 311-331, 2017
Metagenome analyses of microbial population in geotextile fabrics used in permeable reactor barriers for toluene biodegradation
H Tombuloglu, C Yaman, I Boudellioua, E Cevik, I Anil, O Aga, AB Yaman, ...
3 Biotech 13 (2), 40, 2023
Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Models on Apache Spark: An Empirical Study
AZ Yamani, SJ Alsunaidi, I Boudellioua
2022 14th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and …, 2022
You Only Look Twice! for Failure Causes Identification of Drill Bits
A Yamani, N Al-Otaiby, H Al-Shemmeri, I Boudellioua
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.14282, 2024
Semantic Prioritization of Novel Causative Genomic Variants in Mendelian and Oligogenic Diseases
I Boudellioua
MOESM2 of The CAFA challenge reports improved protein function prediction and new functional annotations for hundreds of genes through experimental screens
N Zhou, Y Jiang, T Bergquist, A Lee, B Kacsoh, A Crocker, K Lewis, ...
(No Title), 2019
Code for: Semantic prioritization of novel causative genomic variants
RB Mahamad, M Kulmanov, Y Hashish, VB Bajic, E Goncalves-Serra, ...
Github, 2017
bio-ontology-research-group/phenomenet-vp: A phenotype-based tool for variant prioritization in WES and WGS data
I Boudellioua, M Kulmanov, PN Schofield, GV Gkoutos, R Hoehndorf
Github, 2016
Updates to the AberOWL ontology repository
MÁ Rodríguez-García, LT Slater, I Boudellioua, PN Schofield, GV Gkoutos, ...
2016 Joint International Conference on Biological Ontology and BioCreative …, 2016
Energy Efficient Wireless Vehicular-Guided Actuator Network
I Boudellioua, B Shihada
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013
A Vehicular Guidance Wireless Sensor/Actuator Network
I Boudellioua
Association Rule Mining for Metabolic Pathway Prediction
I Boudellioua, M Rabie Saidi, VS Martin
Rule Mining and Selection for Protein Functional Annotation
R Saidi, I Boudellioua, R Hoehndorf, V Solovyev, MJ Martin
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Articles 1–20