Zhiqiang Wu
Zhiqiang Wu
Brage Golding Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering, Wright State University
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High-performance MC-CDMA via carrier interferometry codes
B Natarajan, CR Nassar, S Shattil, M Michelini, Z Wu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 50 (6), 1344-1353, 2001
Novel overlay/underlay cognitive radio waveforms using SD-SMSE framework to enhance spectrum efficiency-part I: theoretical framework and analysis in AWGN channel
V Chakravarthy, X Li, Z Wu, MA Temple, F Garber, R Kannan, A Vasilakos
IEEE Transactions on Communications 57 (12), 3794-3804, 2009
Co-designed radar-communication using linear frequency modulation waveform
M Nowak, M Wicks, Z Zhang, Z Wu
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 31 (10), 28-35, 2016
Overcoming peak-to-average power ratio issues in OFDM via carrier-interferometry codes
DA Wiegandt, CR Nassar, Z Wu
IEEE 54th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC Fall 2001. Proceedings (Cat …, 2001
Principles of waveform diversity and design
MC Wicks, EL Mokole, SD Blunt, RS Schneible, VJ Amuso
SciTech Publishing, 2011
High-throughput, high-performance OFDM via pseudo-orthogonal carrier interferometry spreading codes
DA Wiegandt, Z Wu, CR Nassar
IEEE Transactions on Communications 51 (7), 1123-1134, 2003
Ultra‐broadband strong electromagnetic interference shielding with ferromagnetic graphene quartz fabric
Y Xie, S Liu, K Huang, B Chen, P Shi, Z Chen, B Liu, K Liu, Z Wu, K Chen, ...
Advanced Materials 34 (30), 2202982, 2022
Multi-carrier technologies for wireless communication
C Nassar
Springer Science & Business Media, 2002
Optimization of OFDMA-based cellular cognitive radio networks
Y Ma, DI Kim, Z Wu
IEEE Transactions on Communications 58 (8), 2265-2276, 2010
Narrowband interference rejection in OFDM via carrier interferometry spreading codes
Z Wu, CR Nassar
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4 (4), 1491-1505, 2005
Large set of CI spreading codes for high-capacity MC-CDMA
B Natarajan, Z Wu, CR Nassar, S Shattil
IEEE Transactions on Communications 52 (11), 1862-1866, 2004
Signal classification in fading channels using cyclic spectral analysis
E Like, VD Chakravarthy, P Ratazzi, Z Wu
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2009, 1-14, 2009
A general overlay/underlay analytic expression representing cognitive radio waveform
VD Chakravarthy, Z Wu, A Shaw, MA Temple, R Kannan, F Garber
2007 International Waveform Diversity and Design Conference, 69-73, 2007
High-performance, high-capacity MC-CDMA via carrier interferometry
Z Wu, B Natarajan, CR Nassar, S Shattil
12th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2001
Machine learning for future wireless communications
FL Luo
John Wiley & Sons, 2020
High-Performance Broadband DS-CDMA via Carrier Interferometry Chip Shaping
CR Nassar, Z Wu
Performance evaluation of OFDM transmission in UAV wireless communication
Z Wu, H Kumar, A Davari
Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Southeastern Symposium on System Theory …, 2005
Ultra wideband DS-CDMA via innovations in chip shaping
Z Wu, C Nassar, S Shattil
IEEE 54th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC Fall 2001. Proceedings (Cat …, 2001
Generalized fading channel model with application to UWB
F Zhu, Z Wu, CR Nassar
2002 IEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies (IEEE Cat …, 2002
Novel overlay/underlay cognitive radio waveforms using SD-SMSE framework to enhance spectrum efficiency-part II: analysis in fading channels
V Chakravarthy, X Li, R Zhou, Z Wu, M Temple
IEEE Transactions on Communications 58 (6), 1868-1876, 2010
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Articles 1–20