An FPGA implementation of HW/SW codesign architecture for H. 263 video coding AB Atitallah, P Kadionik, F Ghozzi, P Nouel, N Masmoudi, H Levi AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 61 (9), 605-620, 2007 | 38 | 2007 |
Optimization and implementation on FPGA of the DCT/IDCT algorithm AB Atitallah, P Kadionik, F Ghozzi, P Nouel, N Masmoudi, P Marchegay 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006 | 31 | 2006 |
BASES DE TRANSMISSIONS NUMERIQUES Les modulations numériques P Kadionik Report, ENSEIRB, Bordeaux 26, 2000 | 30 | 2000 |
A SIP-based programming framework for advanced telephony applications W Jouve, N Palix, C Consel, P Kadionik International Conference on Principles, Systems and Applications of IP …, 2008 | 23 | 2008 |
A SIP-based home automation platform: An experimental study B Bertran, C Consel, P Kadionik, B Lamer 2009 13th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation …, 2009 | 22 | 2009 |
Design of a low cost BPSK modulator/demodulator for a practical teaching of digital modulation techniques P Dondon, JM Micouleau, J Legall, P Kadionik WSEAS: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, pp 61-66, 2007 | 22 | 2007 |
FPGA architecture of the LDPS Motion Estimation for H. 264/AVC Video Coding M Kthiri, H Loukil, AB Atitallah, P Kadionik, D Dallet, N Masmoudi Journal of Signal Processing Systems 68, 273-285, 2012 | 19 | 2012 |
SIP as a universal communication bus: A methodology and an experimental study B Bertran, C Consel, W Jouve, H Guan, P Kadionik 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2010 | 19 | 2010 |
An FPGA implementation of motion estimation algorithm for H. 264/AVC M Kthiri, P Kadionik, H Lévi, H Loukil, AB Atitallah, N Masmoudi 2010 5th International Symposium On I/V Communications and Mobile Network, 1-4, 2010 | 18 | 2010 |
Hardware platform design for real-time video applications AB Atitallah, P Kadionik, F Ghozzi, P Nouel, N Masmoudi, P Marchegay Proceedings. The 16th International Conference on Microelectronics, 2004 …, 2004 | 17 | 2004 |
Efficient architecture and implementation of vector median filter in co-design context A Boudabous, L Khriji, AB Atitallah, P Kadionik, N Masmoudi RADIOENGINEERING-PRAGUE- 16 (3), 113, 2007 | 16 | 2007 |
FPGA implementation of a HW/SW platform for multimedia embedded systems A Ben Atitallah, P Kadionik, N Masmoudi, H Levi Design Automation for Embedded Systems 12, 293-311, 2008 | 14 | 2008 |
A very high throughput deblocking filter for H. 264/AVC M Kthiri, B Le Gal, P Kadionik, AB Atitallah Journal of Signal Processing Systems 73, 189-199, 2013 | 13 | 2013 |
HW/SW FPGA architecture for a flexible motion estimation AB Atitallah, P Kadionik, N Masmoudi, H Levi 2007 14th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems …, 2007 | 13 | 2007 |
Hw/sw codesign of the h. 263 video coder AB Atitallah, P Kadionik, F Ghozzi, P Nouel, N Masmoudi, H Levi 2006 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 783-787, 2006 | 13 | 2006 |
New design using a VHDL description for DCT based circuits MA BenAyed, L Dulau, P Nouel, Y Berthournieu, N Masmoudi, P Kadionik, ... Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Microelectronics (Cat …, 1998 | 13 | 1998 |
DSP CAVLC implementation and optimization for H. 264/AVC baseline encoder T Damak, I Werda, A Samet, N Masmoudi 2008 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems …, 2008 | 12 | 2008 |
FPGA implementation of vector directional distance filter based on HW/SW environment validation A Boudabous, AB Atitallah, L Khriji, P Kadionik, N Masmoudi AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 65 (3), 250-257, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
HW/SW Design-Based Implementation of Vector Median Rational Hybrid Filter. A Boudabous, AB Atitallah, L Khriji, P Kadionik, N Masmoudi Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol. 7 (1), 70-74, 2010 | 11 | 2010 |
Acquisition et memorisation video sur systeme Excalibur F Ghozzi, P Nouel, P Kadionik, P Marchegay CCGEI: IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2003 | 11 | 2003 |