Jose van den IJssel
Cited by
Cited by
The Swarm Satellite Constellation Application and Research Facility (SCARF) and Swarm data products
N Olsen, E Friis-Christensen, R Floberghagen, P Alken, CD Beggan, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 65, 1189-1200, 2013
Neutral density and crosswind determination from arbitrarily oriented multiaxis accelerometers on satellites
E Doornbos, J Van Den Ijssel, H Luhr, M Forster, G Koppenwallner
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 47 (4), 580-589, 2010
Precise science orbits for the Swarm satellite constellation
J van den IJssel, J Encarnação, E Doornbos, P Visser
Advances in Space Research 56 (6), 1042-1055, 2015
GPS-derived orbits for the GOCE satellite
H Bock, A Jäggi, U Meyer, P Visser, J van den IJssel, T van Helleputte, ...
Journal of Geodesy 85, 807-818, 2011
Swarm kinematic orbits and gravity fields from 18 months of GPS data
A Jäggi, C Dahle, D Arnold, H Bock, U Meyer, G Beutler, J van Den Ijssel
Advances in Space Research 57 (1), 218-233, 2016
Efficient gravity field recovery from GOCE gravity gradient observations
R Klees, R Koop, P Visser, J Van den Ijssel
Journal of geodesy 74, 561-571, 2000
Reduced dynamic and kinematic precise orbit determination for the Swarm mission from 4 years of GPS tracking
O Montenbruck, S Hackel, J van den Ijssel, D Arnold
GPS solutions 22 (3), 79, 2018
Global ionospheric and thermospheric effects of the June 2015 geomagnetic disturbances: Multi‐instrumental observations and modeling
E Astafyeva, I Zakharenkova, JD Huba, E Doornbos, J Van den IJssel
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122 (11), 11,716-11,742, 2017
Thermosphere densities derived from Swarm GPS observations
J van den IJssel, E Doornbos, E Iorfida, G March, C Siemes, ...
Advances in Space Research 65 (7), 1758-1771, 2020
Swarm accelerometer data processing from raw accelerations to thermospheric neutral densities
C Siemes, J de Teixeira da Encarnação, E Doornbos, J Van Den Ijssel, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 68, 1-16, 2016
Impact of Swarm GPS receiver updates on POD performance
J Van Den Ijssel, B Forte, O Montenbruck
Earth, Planets and Space 68, 1-17, 2016
Tracking and orbit determination performance of the GRAS instrument on MetOp-A
O Montenbruck, Y Andres, H Bock, T van Helleputte, J van den Ijssel, ...
GPS solutions 12, 289-299, 2008
GPS-based precise orbit determination of the very low Earth-orbiting gravity mission GOCE
P Visser, J Van den Ijssel
Journal of Geodesy 74, 590-602, 2000
CHAMP precise orbit determination using GPS data
J Van den Ijssel, P Visser, EP Rodriguez
Advances in Space Research 31 (8), 1889-1895, 2003
Thermospheric density and wind retrieval from Swarm observations
P Visser, E Doornbos, J Van Den Ijssel, J Teixeira da Encarnação
Earth, Planets and Space 65, 1319-1331, 2013
Exploring gravity field determination from orbit perturbations of the European Gravity Mission GOCE
P Visser, J Van Den Ijssel, R Koop, R Klees
Journal of geodesy 75, 89-98, 2001
Lower-thermosphere–ionosphere (LTI) quantities: current status of measuring techniques and models
M Palmroth, M Grandin, T Sarris, E Doornbos, S Tourgaidis, A Aikio, ...
Annales Geophysicae 39 (1), 189-237, 2021
Description of the multi-approach gravity field models from Swarm GPS data
J Teixeira da Encarnação, P Visser, D Arnold, A Bezdek, E Doornbos, ...
Earth System Science Data 12 (2), 1385-1417, 2020
Orbit determination for the GOCE satellite
PNAM Visser, J Van den IJssel, T Van Helleputte, H Bock, A Jäggi, ...
Advances in Space Research 43 (5), 760-768, 2009
Air density models derived from multi-satellite drag observations
E Doornbos, M Förster, B Fritsche, T van Helleputte, J van den IJssel, ...
Proceedings of ESAs Second Swarm International Science Meeting. Potsdam 24, 2009
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Articles 1–20