Marco Platania
Marco Platania
Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University
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Towards a practical survivable intrusion tolerant replication system
M Platania, D Obenshain, T Tantillo, R Sharma, Y Amir
2014 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 242-252, 2014
Network-attack-resilient intrusion-tolerant SCADA for the power grid
A Babay, T Tantillo, T Aron, M Platania, Y Amir
2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2018
Reliable and timely event notification for publish/subscribe services over the internet
C Esposito, M Platania, R Beraldi
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 22 (1), 230-243, 2013
On choosing server-or client-side solutions for BFT
M Platania, D Obenshain, T Tantillo, Y Amir, N Suri
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 48 (4), 1-30, 2016
Dynamic message ordering for topic-based publish/subscribe systems
R Baldoni, S Bonomi, M Platania, L Querzoni
2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2012
Achieving reliable and timely event dissemination over wan
C Esposito, S Russo, R Beraldi, M Platania, R Baldoni
Distributed Computing and Networking: 13th International Conference, ICDCN …, 2012
Clock Synchronization
M Platania
Sapienza University of Rome, 2009
Practical uniform peer sampling under churn
R Baldoni, M Platania, L Querzoni, S Scipioni
2010 Ninth International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 93-100, 2010
Data dissemination supporting complex event pattern detection
R Baldoni, S Bonomi, G Lodi, M Platania, L Querzoni
Int J Next Gen Comp 24, 2011
On the benefit of network coding for timely and reliable event dissemination in WAN
C Esposito, S Russo, R Beraldi, M Platania
2011 IEEE 30th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Workshops, 84-89, 2011
A peer-to-peer filter-based algorithm for internal clock synchronization in presence of corrupted processes
R Baldoni, M Platania, L Querzoni, S Scipioni
2008 14th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing …, 2008
Efficient notification ordering for geo-distributed pub/sub systems
R Baldoni, S Bonomi, M Platania, L Querzoni
IEEE Transactions on Computers 64 (10), 2796-2808, 2014
Improving the efficiency of gossiping
C Esposito, M Platania, R Beraldi
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Dependability (DEPEND), 31-36, 2013
Ordering, timeliness and reliability for publish/subscribe systems over WAN
M Platania
Università degli Studi di Roma" La Sapienza", 2012
Moving core services to the edge in NGNs for reducing managed infrastructure size
R Baldoni, R Beraldi, G Lodi, M Platania, L Querzoni
2010 International Conference on Network and Service Management, 410-413, 2010
Supporting ngns core software services: A hybrid architecture and its performance analysis
M Platania, R Beraldi, G Lodi, L Querzoni, R Baldoni
Journal of Network and Systems Management 20, 181-199, 2012
Introduction to DESEC4LCCI 2012
C Esposito, M Platania, F Brancati
International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 205-208, 2012
ISSRE 2020 Industry Track Program Committees
A Pecchia, V Formicola, N Silva, R Amarnath, R Della Corte, C Di Martino, ...
A Bovenzi, R Pietrantuono, S Russo, D Cotroneo, AP Esposito, R Natella, ...
Ph. D. Research Plan 2009/2010
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Articles 1–20