Tyler M Miller
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Cited by
Unskilled but aware: reinterpreting overconfidence in low-performing students.
TM Miller, L Geraci
Journal of experimental psychology: learning, memory, and cognition 37 (2), 502, 2011
Training metacognition in the classroom: The influence of incentives and feedback on exam predictions
TM Miller, L Geraci
Metacognition and Learning 6, 303-314, 2011
Metacognition in the classroom: The association between students’ exam predictions and their desired grades
GD Saenz, L Geraci, TM Miller, R Tirso
Consciousness and cognition 51, 125-139, 2017
Improving metacognitive accuracy: How failing to retrieve practice items reduces overconfidence
TM Miller, L Geraci
Consciousness and cognition 29, 131-140, 2014
Improving older adults’ memory performance using prior task success.
L Geraci, TM Miller
Psychology and aging 28 (2), 340, 2013
Training metacognition in the classroom: The influence of incentives and feedback on exam predictions. Metacognition and Learning, 6 (3), 303–314
TM Miller, L Geraci
The bizarreness effect: evidence for the critical influence of retrieval processes
L Geraci, MA McDaniel, TM Miller, ML Hughes
Memory & Cognition 41 (8), 1228-1237, 2013
Greater precision when measuring dementia severity: establishing item parameters for the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale
DA Lowe, S Balsis, TM Miller, JF Benge, RS Doody
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 34 (2), 128-134, 2012
The effect of prior task success on older adults’ memory performance: Examining the influence of different types of task success
L Geraci, ML Hughes, TM Miller, RL De Forrest
Experimental aging research 42 (4), 365-381, 2016
Measurement, theory, and current issues in metacognition: An overview
TM Miller
Metacognition in chemistry education: Connecting research and practice, 1-15, 2017
Dementia staging across three different methods
S Balsis, TM Miller, JF Benge, RS Doody
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 31 (5), 328-333, 2011
The influence of retrieval practice on metacognition: The contribution of analytic and non-analytic processes
TM Miller, L Geraci
Consciousness and Cognition 42, 41-50, 2016
Item response theory reveals variability of functional impairment within clinical dementia rating scale stages
TM Miller, S Balsis, DA Lowe, JF Benge, RS Doody
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 32 (5), 362-366, 2012
Preliminary evidence from planarians that cotinine establishes a conditioned place preference
BJ Phelps, TM Miller, H Arens, T Hutchinson, KA Lang, LM Muckey, ...
Neuroscience Letters 703, 145-148, 2019
Training Metacognition in the Classroom: The Influence of Incentives and Feedback on Exam Predictions. Metacognition and Learning, 6, 303-314
TM Miller, L Geraci
Holistic Summer Undergraduate Research Program in High Performance Computing Research
T Miller, JH Kimn, SP Gent
Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on …, 2019
Bringing new ideas to light: Personnel research at General Electric in the 1960s and 1970s.
KT Mahoney, TM Miller
The Psychologist-Manager Journal 20 (1), 1, 2017
Old wine in new bottles: New insights into the ERN via the response-signal method
TM Miller, LM Carcoba, S Mittal, BD Mallikarjunaiah, LG Tassinary
Psychophysiology 47, S70-S70, 2010
Testing, Testing: In-Class Testing Facilitates Transfer on Cumulative Exams.
TM Miller, N Srimaneerungroj
Journal of Cognitive Education & Psychology 21 (1), 2022
Resistible: How the SDSU Common Read Encouraged More Conscientious Use of Technology.
TM Miller, R Bott-Knutson
Journal of Campus Activities Practice and Scholarship 4 (2), 36-50, 2022
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Articles 1–20