Saqib Iqbal
Saqib Iqbal
Associate Professor, College of Engineering, Al Ain University
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Cited by
Identifying the influential nodes in complex social networks using centrality-based approach
U Ishfaq, HU Khan, S Iqbal
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (10 …, 2022
Exploring diverse features for sentiment quantification using machine learning algorithms
K Ayyub, S Iqbal, EU Munir, MW Nisar, M Abbasi
IEEE Access 8, 142819-142831, 2020
Real-Time Violent Action Recognition Using Key Frames Extraction and Deep Learning
M Ahmed, M Ramzan, HU Khan, S Iqbal, M Attique
Computers, Materials and Continua 69 (2), 2217-2230, 2021
DS-index: Ranking authors distinctively in an academic network
M Farooq, HU Khan, S Iqbal, EU Munir, A Shahzad
IEEE Access 5, 19588-19596, 2017
Finding rotten eggs: A review spam detection model using diverse feature sets
AU Akram, HU Khan, S Iqbal, T Iqbal, EU Munir, DM Shafi
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 12 (10), 5120-5142, 2018
Deep learning in news recommender systems: A comprehensive survey, challenges and future trends
MM Talha, HU Khan, S Iqbal, M Alghobiri, T Iqbal, M Fayyaz
Neurocomputing, 126881, 2023
Extending UML use case diagrams to represent non-interactive functional requirements
S Iqbal, I Al-Azzoni, G Allen, HU Khan
E-Informatica Software Engineering Journal 14 (1), 97-115, 2020
Four decades of image processing: a bibliometric analysis
U Khan, HU Khan, S Iqbal, H Munir
Library Hi Tech 42 (1), 180-202, 2024
Attention-based multi-channel gated recurrent neural networks: a novel feature-centric approach for aspect-based sentiment classification
W Ahmad, HU Khan, T Iqbal, S Iqbal
IEEE Access 11, 54408-54427, 2023
Sentiment analysis of social media content in pashto language using deep learning algorithms
S Iqbal, F Khan, HU Khan, T Iqbal, JH Shah
Journal of Internet Technology 23 (7), 1669-1677, 2022
Stance detection using diverse feature sets based on machine learning techniques
K Ayyub, S Iqbal, MW Nisar, SG Ahmad, EU Munir
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 40 (5), 9721-9740, 2021
Meta-heuristics for solving the software component allocation problem
I Al-Azzoni, S Iqbal
IEEE Access 8, 153067-153076, 2020
Test case prioritization for model transformations
S Iqbal, I Al-Azzoni
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (8 …, 2022
Users’ rating predictions using collaborating filtering based on users and items similarity measures
S Nudrat, HU Khan, S Iqbal, MM Talha, FK Alarfaj, N Almusallam
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (1), 2347641, 2022
An index-based ranking of conferences in a distinctive manner
Muhammad Farooq, Hikmat Ullah Khan, Tassawar Iqbal, Saqib Iqbal
The Electronic Library, 2019
Designing Aspects with AODL
S Iqbal, G Allen
International Journal of Software Engineering 4 (2), 3-18, 2011
Association Rule Analysis-Based Identification of Influential Users in the Social Media.
S Iqbal, R Khan, HU Khan, FK Alarfaj, AM Alomair, M Ahmed
Computers, Materials & Continua 73 (3), 2022
A Day-Ahead Energy Management for Multi MicroGrid System to Optimize the Energy Storage Charge and Grid Dependency—A Comparative Analysis
S Iqbal, K Mehran
Energies 15 (11), 4062, 2022
Aspect-oriented modeling: Issues and misconceptions
S Iqbal, G Allen
2010 Fifth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, 337-340, 2010
Finding influential users in social networks based on novel features & link-based analysis
S Iqbal, H Ullah Khan, U Ishfaq, M Alghobiri, S Iqbal
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 1-15, 2021
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Articles 1–20