Xin Wang
Xin Wang
Professor of Computer Science, Fudan University
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Cited by
A robust detection of the Sybil attack in urban VANETs
C Chen, X Wang, W Han, B Zang
Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, 2009. ICDCS Workshops' 09. 29th …, 2009
Tree-structured data regeneration in distributed storage systems with regenerating codes
J Li, S Yang, X Wang, B Li
INFOCOM, 2010 Proceedings IEEE, 1-9, 2010
Nuclei: GPU-accelerated many-core network coding
H Shojania, B Li, X Wang
INFOCOM 2009, IEEE, 459-467, 2009
PCube: Improving power efficiency in data center networks
L Huang, Q Jia, X Wang, S Yang, B Li
Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, 65-72, 2011
Vote-based clustering algorithm in mobile ad hoc networks
F Li, S Zhang, X Wang, X Xue, H Shen
Information Networking. Networking Technologies for Broadband and Mobile …, 2004
Tree-structured data regeneration with network coding in distributed storage systems
J Li, S Yang, X Wang, X Xue, B Li
Quality of Service, 2009. IWQoS. 17th International Workshop on, 1-9, 2009
Exploiting graphics processors for high-performance IP lookup in software routers
J Zhao, X Zhang, X Wang, Y Deng, X Fu
INFOCOM, 2011 Proceedings IEEE, 301-305, 2011
Achieving O (1) IP lookup on GPU-based software routers
J Zhao, X Zhang, X Wang, X Xue
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 40 (4), 429-430, 2010
P2P 视频点播内容分发策略
郑常熠, 王新, 赵进, 薛向阳
软件学报 18 (11), 2942-2954, 2007
SonicVoD: A VCR-supported P2P-VoD system with network coding
L Yu, L Gao, J Zhao, X Wang
Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 55 (2), 576-582, 2009
Swifter: Chunked network coding for peer-to-peer content distribution
J Xu, J Zhao, X Wang, X Xue
Communications, 2008. ICC'08. IEEE International Conference on, 5603-5608, 2008
黄政, 王新
软件学报 20 (5), 1349-1361, 2009
Min-cost multicast networks in Euclidean space
X Yin, Y Wang, X Wang, X Xue, Z Li
Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on …, 2012
The design of video segmentation-aided VCR support for P2P VoD systems
X Wang, C Zheng, Z Zhang, H Lu, X Xue
Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 54 (2), 531-537, 2008
SMSS: Symmetric-Masquerade Security Scheme for VANETs
L Zhu, C Chen, X Wang, AO Lim
Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS), 2011 10th International Symposium …, 2011
A multicast routing algorithm based on mobile multicast agents in ad-hoc networks
W Xin, LI Fei, S Ishihara, T Mizuno
IEICE transactions on communications 84 (8), 2087-2094, 2001
Genetic algorithm solution of network coding optimization
L Deng, J Zhao, X Wang
Ruan Jian Xue Bao(Journal of Software) 20 (8), 2269-2279, 2009
Pipelined Regeneration with Regenerating Codes for Distributed Storage Systems
J Li, X Wang, B Li
Network Coding (NetCod), 2011 International Symposium on, 1-6, 2011
I-Swifter: Improving chunked network coding for peer-to-peer content distribution
J Xu, X Wang, J Zhao, AO Lim
Peer-to-peer networking and applications, 1-10, 2011
Comparative analysis of scheduling algorithms in ad hoc mobile networking
H Xu, X Wang, CK Toh
Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, 2005 …, 2005
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Articles 1–20