Monica M. Gerber
Cited by
Cited by
Justifying violence: legitimacy, ideology and public support for police use of force
MM Gerber, J Jackson
Psychology, crime & law 23 (1), 79-95, 2017
Retribution as revenge and retribution as just deserts
MM Gerber, J Jackson
Social justice research 26, 61-80, 2013
The internet in Britain
WH Dutton, EJ Helsper, MM Gerber
The Oxford internet survey (OxIS). Oxford, UK: Oxford Internet Institute …, 2005
Publics and biobanks: Pan-European diversity and the challenge of responsible innovation
G Gaskell, H Gottweis, J Starkbaum, MM Gerber, J Broerse, U Gottweis, ...
European Journal of Human Genetics 21 (1), 14-20, 2013
Understanding peace and conflict through social identity theory
S McKeown, R Haji, N Ferguson
Contemporary Global Perspectives. Switzerland: Springer, 2016
Authority and punishment: On the ideological basis of punitive attitudes towards criminals
MM Gerber, J Jackson
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 23 (1), 113-134, 2016
Insecurities about crime in Germany, Austria and Switzerland: A review of research findings
MM Gerber, H Hirtenlehner, J Jackson
European Journal of Criminology 7 (2), 141-157, 2010
On the justification of intergroup violence: The roles of procedural justice, police legitimacy, and group identity in attitudes toward violence among indigenous people.
MM Gerber, R González, H Carvacho, G Jiménez-Moya, C Moya, ...
Psychology of violence 8 (3), 379, 2018
Occupational psychosocial risks, organizational characteristics, and mental health: the mediating role of workplace violence
A Palma, MM Gerber, E Ansoleaga
Psykhe (Santiago) 31 (1), 1-18, 2022
Public opinion towards the lay magistracy and the sentencing council guidelines: The effects of information on attitudes
J Roberts, M Hough, J Jackson, MM Gerber
British Journal of Criminology 52 (6), 1072-1091, 2012
La lectura en formatos digitales en el Chile actual: nuevas prácticas y viejas desigualdades
C Moya, MM Gerber
Revista chilena de literatura, 59-77, 2016
Taking care of each other: how can we increase compliance with personal protective measures during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Chile?
MM Gerber, C Cuadrado, A Figueiredo, F Crispi, G Jiménez‐Moya, ...
Political Psychology 42 (5), 863-880, 2021
Trust and legitimacy across Europe: A FIDUCIA report on comparative public attitudes towards legal authority
J Jackson, J Kuha, M Hough, B Bradford, K Hohl, M Gerber
Fiducia, 2013
Development and validation of a scale of support for violence in the context of intergroup conflict (SVIC): The case of violence perpetrated by Mapuche people and the police in …
MM Gerber, H Carvacho, R González
International journal of intercultural relations 51, 61-68, 2016
To be a network society: a cross-national perspective on the internet in Britain
E Helsper, W Dutton, M Gerber
Oxford Internet Institute, 2008
Social contagion, violence, and suicide among adolescents
V Martínez, Á Jiménez-Molina, MM Gerber
Current opinion in psychiatry 36 (3), 237-242, 2023
Do closed survey questions overestimate public perceptions of food risks?
G Gaskell, K Hohl, MM Gerber
Journal of Risk Research 20 (8), 1038-1052, 2017
The plausibility of cross-national comparisons of internet use types
E Helsper, MM Gerber
The information society 28 (2), 83-98, 2012
Social identities and conflict in Chile: The role of historical and political processes
R González, MM Gerber, H Carvacho
Understanding peace and conflict through social identity theory …, 2016
Validation and measurement invariance of the Spanish and German versions of SDO-7
H Carvacho, M Gerber, J Manzi, R González, G Jiménez-Moya, R Boege, ...
Unpublished manuscript, Department of Psychology, Pontificia Universidad …, 2018
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Articles 1–20