Kenji Mase
Cited by
Cited by
Activity and location recognition using wearable sensors
SW Lee, K Mase
IEEE pervasive computing 1 (3), 24-32, 2002
Recognition of facial expression from optical flow
K Mase
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 74 (10), 3474-3483, 1991
Automatic lipreading by optical‐flow analysis
K Mase, A Pentland
Systems and Computers in Japan 22 (6), 67-76, 1991
Recognizing user context via wearable sensors
B Clarkson, K Mase, A Pentland
Digest of papers. Fourth international symposium on wearable computers, 69-75, 2000
C-map: Building a context-aware mobile assistant for exhibition tours
Y Sumi, T Etani, S Fels, N Simonet, K Kobayashi, K Mase
Community Computing and Support Systems: social interaction in networked …, 1998
Path drawing for 3D walkthrough
T Igarashi, R Kadobayashi, K Mase, H Tanaka
Proceedings of the 11th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 1998
Ontology-based semantic recommendation for context-aware e-learning
Z Yu, Y Nakamura, S Jang, S Kajita, K Mase
Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing: 4th International Conference, UIC …, 2007
Recognition of walking behaviors for pedestrian navigation
SW Lee, K Mase
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Control …, 2001
“Finger-Pointer”: Pointing interface by image processing
M Fukumoto, Y Suenaga, K Mase
Computers & graphics 18 (5), 633-642, 1994
Simultaneous multiple optical flow estimation
M Shizawa, K Mase
[1990] Proceedings. 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition 1 …, 1990
Multipoint measuring system for video and sound-100-camera and microphone system
T Fujii, K Mori, K Takeda, K Mase, M Tanimoto, Y Suenaga
2006 IEEE international conference on multimedia and expo, 437-440, 2006
A constructive approach for developing interactive humanoid robots
T Kanda, H Ishiguro, M Imai, T Ono, K Mase
IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems 2, 1265-1270, 2002
Robot mediated round table: Analysis of the effect of robot's gaze
M Imai, T Kanda, T Ono, H Ishiguro, K Mase
Proceedings. 11th ieee international workshop on robot and human interactive …, 2002
Meta-museum: A supportive augmented-reality environment for knowledge sharing
K Mase, R Kadobayashi, R Nakatsu
ATR workshop on social agents: humans and machines, 107-110, 1996
Lip reading: Automatic visual recognition of spoken words
K Mase, A Pentland
Image Understanding and Machine Vision, WC1, 1989
Iamascope: A graphical musical instrument
S Fels, K Mase
Computers & Graphics 23 (2), 277-286, 1999
Interval scripts: A design paradigm for story-based interactive systems
CS Pinhanez, K Mase, A Bobick
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in computing …, 1997
ComicDiary: Representing individual experiences in a comics style
Y Sumi, R Sakamoto, K Nakao, K Mase
UbiComp 2002: Ubiquitous Computing: 4th International Conference Göteborg …, 2002
Pixel-selected ray tracing
T Akimoto, K Mase, Y Suenaga
IEEE computer graphics and applications 11 (04), 14-22, 1991
AgentSalon: facilitating face-to-face knowledge exchange through conversations among personal agents
Y Sumi, K Mase
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on autonomous agents, 393-400, 2001
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Articles 1–20