Hwansoo Han
Cited by
Cited by
Exploiting locality for irregular scientific codes
H Han, CW Tseng
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 17 (7), 606-618, 2006
A comparison of locality transformations for irregular codes
H Han, CW Tseng
International Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Systems for …, 2000
Efficient SIMD code generation for irregular kernels
S Kim, H Han
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and Practice of …, 2012
Filtering false alarms of buffer overflow analysis using SMT solvers
Y Kim, J Lee, H Han, KM Choe
Information and Software Technology 52 (2), 210-219, 2010
Improving compiler and run-time support for irregular reductions using local writes
H Han, CW Tseng
International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing …, 1998
Efficient Memory Mapped File {I/O} for {In-Memory} File Systems
J Choi, J Kim, H Han
9th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage 17), 2017
Improving locality for adaptive irregular scientific codes
H Han, CW Tseng
International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing …, 2000
Improving compiler and run-time support for adaptive irregular codes
H Han, CW Tseng
Proceedings. 1998 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and …, 1998
Efficient compiler and run-time support for parallel irregular reductions
H Han, CW Tseng
Parallel Computing 26 (13-14), 1861-1887, 2000
Libnvmmio: Reconstructing Software {IO} Path with {Failure-Atomic}{Memory-Mapped} Interface
J Choi, J Hong, Y Kwon, H Han
2020 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 20), 1-16, 2020
Transparent method offloading for slim execution
H Rim, S Kim, Y Kim, H Han
2006 1st international symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, 1-6, 2006
Compiler and run-time support for improving locality in scientific codes
H Han, G Rivera, CW Tseng
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing: 12th International Workshop …, 2000
A Comparison of Parallelization Techniques for Irregular Reductions.
H Han, CW Tseng
IPDPS, 27, 2001
Eliminating barrier synchronization for compiler-parallelized codes on software DSMs
H Han, CW Tseng, P Keleher
International journal of parallel programming 26 (5), 591-612, 1998
Compile-time synchronization optimizations for software DSMs
H Han, CW Tseng
Proceedings of the First Merged International Parallel Processing Symposium …, 1998
VSkyline: Vectorization for efficient skyline computation
SR Cho, J Lee, SW Hwang, H Han, SW Lee
ACM SIGMOD Record 39 (2), 19-26, 2010
Distributed execution for resource-constrained mobile consumer devices
S Kim, H Rim, H Han
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 55 (2), 376-384, 2009
Design analysis for real-time video transcoding on cloud systems
S Ko, S Park, H Han
Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1610-1615, 2013
In-memory file system for non-volatile memory
H Kim, J Ahn, S Ryu, J Choi, H Han
Proceedings of the 2013 Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems, 479-484, 2013
Locality optimizations for adaptive irregular scientific codes
H Han, CW Tseng
Technical report, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland …, 2000
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Articles 1–20