Kai Zhao
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Cited by
LinearFold: Linear-Time Approximate RNA Folding by 5’-to-3’ Dynamic Programming and Beam Search
L Huang, H Zhang, D Deng, K Zhao, K Liu, D Hendrix, D Mathews
Bioinformatics (Special Issue for Proceedings of ISMB 2019), 2019
When to Finish? Optimal Beam Search for Neural Text Generation (modulo beam size)
L Huang, K Zhao, M Ma
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2017
Type-Driven Incremental Semantic Parsing with Polymorphism
K Zhao, L Huang
Proceedings of NAACL 2015, 2015
Max-Violation Perceptron and Forced Decoding for Scalable MT Training
H Yu, L Huang, H Mi, K Zhao
Proceedings of EMNLP 2013, 2013
Learning Translation Models from Monolingual Continuous Representations
K Zhao, H Hassan, M Auli
Proceedings of NAACL 2015, 2015
Textual Entailment with Structured Attentions and Composition
K Zhao, L Huang, M Ma
Proceedings of COLING 2016, 2016
Online Learning for Inexact Hypergraph Search
H Zhang, L Huang, K Zhao, R McDonald
Proceedings of EMNLP 2013, 2013
Efficient Implementation of Beam-Search Incremental Parsers
Y Goldberg, K Zhao, L Huang
Proceedings of ACL 2013, 2013
Jointly Trained Sequential Labeling and Classification by Sparse Attention Neural Networks
M Ma, K Zhao, L Huang, B Xiang, B Zhou
Proc. Interspeech 2017, 3334-3338, 2017
Minibatch and Parallelization for Online Large Margin Structured Learning
K Zhao, L Huang
Proceedings of NAACL 2013, 2013
OSU Multimodal Machine Translation System Report
M Ma, D Li, K Zhao, L Huang
Proceedings of the Second Conference on Machine Translation, 465-469, 2017
Joint Syntacto-Discourse Parsing and the Syntacto-Discourse Treebank
K Zhao, L Huang
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2017
Hierarchical MT Training using Max-Violation Perceptron
K Zhao, L Huang, H Mi, A Ittycheriah
Proceedings of ACL 2014, 2014
Optimal Incremental Parsing via Best-First Dynamic Programming
K Zhao, J Cross, L Huang
Proceedings of EMNLP 2013, 2013
Structured Learning with Latent Variables: Theory and Algorithms
K Zhao
Search-aware Tuning for Hierarchical Phrase-based Decoding
F Zhai, L Huang, K Zhao
Proceedings of EMNLP 2015, 2015
Scalable Large-Margin Structured Learning: Theory and Algorithms
L Huang, K Zhao, L Liu
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2014
Simple Online Learning with Approximate Max Margin and Fast Convergence
K Zhao, L Huang
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Articles 1–18