Markos Xenakis
Markos Xenakis
Institute of Neurophysiology
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Cited by
The major geoeffective solar eruptions of 2012 March 7: comprehensive Sun-to-Earth analysis
S Patsourakos, MK Georgoulis, A Vourlidas, A Nindos, T Sarris, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 817 (1), 14, 2016
Universality of non-extensive Tsallis statistics and time series analysis: Theory and applications
GP Pavlos, LP Karakatsanis, MN Xenakis, EG Pavlos, AC Iliopoulos, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 395, 58-95, 2014
The spacing principle for unlearning abnormal neuronal synchrony
OV Popovych, MN Xenakis, PA Tass
PloS one, 2015
Targeted RNA‐seq successfully identifies normal and pathogenic splicing events in breast/ovarian cancer susceptibility and Lynch syndrome genes
RD Brandão, K Mensaert, I López‐Perolio, D Tserpelis, M Xenakis, ...
International journal of cancer 145 (2), 401-414, 2019
Tsallis statistics and magnetospheric self-organization
GP Pavlos, LP Karakatsanis, MN Xenakis, D Sarafopoulos, EG Pavlos
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 391 (11), 3069-3080, 2012
Tsallis non-extensive statistics, intermittent turbulence, SOC and chaos in the solar plasma. Part two: Solar flares dynamics
LP Karakatsanis, GP Pavlos, MN Xenakis
Physica a: Statistical mechanics and its applications 392 (18), 3920-3944, 2013
Tsallis non-extensive statistics, intermittent turbulence, SOC and chaos in the solar plasma, Part one: Sunspot dynamics
GP Pavlos, LP Karakatsanis, MN Xenakis
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 391 (24), 6287-6319, 2012
Tsallis non-extensive statistics and solar wind plasma complexity
GP Pavlos, AC Iliopoulos, GN Zastenker, LM Zelenyi, LP Karakatsanis, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 422, 113-135, 2015
Network topology of NaV1. 7 mutations in sodium channel-related painful disorders
D Kapetis, J Sassone, Y Yang, B Galbardi, MN Xenakis, RL Westra, ...
BMC systems biology 11, 1-16, 2017
Measuring complexity, nonextensivity and chaos in the DNA sequence of the Major Histocompatibility Complex
GP Pavlos, LP Karakatsanis, AC Iliopoulos, EG Pavlos, MN Xenakis, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 438, 188-209, 2015
Universality of Tsallis non-extensive statistics and fractal dynamics for complex systems
GP Pavlos, MN Xenakis, LP Karakatsanis, AC Iliopoulos, AEG Pavlos, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1203.5556, 2012
Tsallis q-triplet and Stock Market Indices: The cases of S & P 500 and TVIX.
AC Iliopoulos, GP Pavlos, L Magafas, L Karakatsanis, M Xenakis, ...
Journal of Engineering Science & Technology Review 8 (1), 2015
Hydropathicity-based prediction of pain-causing NaV1. 7 variants
MN Xenakis, D Kapetis, Y Yang, MM Gerrits, J Heijman, SG Waxman, ...
BMC bioinformatics 22, 1-24, 2021
Complexity of Economical Systems.
GP Pavlos, AC Iliopoulos, LP Karakatsanis, M Xenakis, E Pavlos
Journal of Engineering Science & Technology Review 8 (1), 2015
Non-extensitivity and criticality of atomic hydropathicity around a voltage-gated sodium channel’s pore: a modeling study
MN Xenakis, D Kapetis, Y Yang, J Heijman, SG Waxman, G Lauria, ...
Journal of Biological Physics 47, 61-77, 2021
Cumulative hydropathic topology of a voltage‐gated sodium channel at atomic resolution
MN Xenakis, D Kapetis, Y Yang, J Heijman, SG Waxman, G Lauria, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 88 (10), 1319-1328, 2020
Device for effective non-invasive desynchronizing neurostimulation
PA Tass, O Popovych, M Xenakis
US Patent App. 15/522,334, 2017
Device for effective invasive desynchronizing neurostimulation
PA Tass, O Popovych, M Xenakis
US Patent 10,617,869, 2020
Studying complexity in solar wind plasma during shock events. Part I: nonextensive Tsallis statistics
GP Pavlos, AC Iliopoulos, GN Zastenker, LM Zelenyi, LP Karakatsanis, ...
Tsallis non-extensive statistics. Theory and applications
GP Pavlos, LP Karakatsanis, MN Xenakis, AEG Pavlos, AC Iliopoulos, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1203.5582, 2012
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Articles 1–20