Ewerson Carvalho
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Cited by
Heuristics for Dynamic Task Mapping in NoC-based Heterogeneous MPSoCs
E Carvalho, N Calazans, F Moraes
Rapid System Prototyping, 2007. RSP 2007. 18th IEEE/IFIP International …, 2007
Dynamic Task Mapping for MPSoCs
E Carvalho, N Calazans, F Moraes
IEEE Design & Test of Computers 27 (5), 26-35, 2010
Congestion-aware Task Mapping in Heterogeneous MPSoCs
E Carvalho, F Moraes
System-on-Chip, 2008. SOC 2008. International Symposium on, 1-4, 2008
SCAFFI: An Intrachip FPGA Asynchronous Interface Based on Hard Macros
J Pontes, R Soares, E Carvalho, F Moraes, N Calazans
Computer Design, 2007. ICCD 2007. 25th International Conference on, 541-546, 2007
PaDReH: A Framework for the Design and Implementation of Dynamically and Partially Reconfigurable Systems
E Carvalho, N Calazans, E Brião, F Moraes
Proceedings of the 17th symposium on Integrated circuits and system design …, 2004
Evaluation of Static and Dynamic Task Mapping Algorithms in NoC-based MPSoCs
E Carvalho, C Marcon, N Calazans, F Moraes
System-on-Chip, 2009. SOC 2009. International Symposium on, 087-090, 2009
Congestion-aware Task Mapping in NoC-based MPSoCs with Dynamic Workload
E Carvalho, N Calazans, F Moraes
IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI'07), 459-460, 2007
Reconfiguration Control for Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems
E Carvalho, N Calazans, F Moraes, D Mesquita
DCIS 4, 405-410, 2004
A NoC-based Infrastructure to Enable Dynamic Self Reconfigurable Systems
L Möller, I Grehs, E Carvalho, R Soares, N Calazans, F Moraes
Infrastructure for Dynamic Reconfigurable Systems: Choices and Trade-offs
L Möller, R Soares, E Carvalho, I Grehs, N Calazans, F Moraes
Proceedings of the 19th annual symposium on Integrated circuits and systems …, 2006
Problem-Based Learning to Align Theory and Practice in Software Testing Teaching
J Cheiran, E Rodrigues, E Carvalho, JP Silva
Proceedings of the 31st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 328-337, 2017
Mapeamento Dinâmico de Tarefas em MPSoCs Heterogêneos Baseados em NoC
E Carvalho
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, 170, 2009
Dynamic and Partial Reconfiguration in FPGA SoCs: Requirements, Tools and a Case Study
F Moraes, N Calazans, L Möller, E Brião, E Carvalho
New Algorithms, Architectures and Applications for Reconfigurable Computing …, 2005
FiPRe: An Implementation Model to Enable Self-Reconfigurable Applications
L Möller, N Calazans, F Moraes, E Brião, E Carvalho, D Camozzato
Lecture notes in computer science, 1042-1046, 2004
Investigating Runtime Task Mapping for NoC-based Multiprocessor SoCs
E Carvalho, N Calazans, F Moraes
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), 2009 17th IFIP International …, 2009
RSCM - Controlador de Configurações para Sistemas de Hardware Reconfigurável
E Carvalho
Dissertação de Mestrado (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul), 2004
Design Frameworks and Configuration Controllers for Dynamic and Partial Reconfiguration
E Carvalho, F Möller, F Moraes, N Calazans
PPGCC-PUCRS Technical Report Series, TR042, 2004
Controling Configurations on Dynamic Reconfigurable Systems
E Carvalho, E Brião, L Möller, F Möller, F Moraes, N Calazans
XIX SIM-South Symposium on Microelectronics, 1998
Inserting Extension in the Engineering Undergraduate Courses Curriculum
EMN Gonçalves, SDS Devincenzi, VM De Oliveira, A Werhli, AP Vargas, ...
2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-7, 2023
Investigating Parallel Programming Paradigms in HeMPS MPSoC Platform
G Lopes, A Mello, E Carvalho, C Marcon
Anais do XX Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho, 157-168, 2019
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Articles 1–20