Ricardo Hernandez
Ricardo Hernandez
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
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Cited by
Supermarkets, wholesalers, and tomato growers in Guatemala
R Hernández, T Reardon, J Berdegué
Agricultural economics 36 (3), 281-290, 2007
The “quiet revolution” in the aquaculture value chain in Bangladesh
R Hernandez, B Belton, T Reardon, C Hu, X Zhang, A Ahmed
Aquaculture 493, 456-468, 2018
The status of food security in the feed the future zone and other regions of Bangladesh: Results from the 2011–2012 Bangladesh integrated household survey
AU Ahmed, K Ahmad, V Chou, R Hernandez, P Menon, F Naeem, ...
International Food Policy Research Institute, Dhaka, 2013
Horticultural producers and supermarket development in Indonesia
R Natawidjaja, T Reardon, S Shetty, TI Noor, T Perdana, E Rasmikayati, ...
UNPAD/MSU/World Bank. World Bank report, 2007
Medicina Interna. Diagnóstico y tratamiento
E Vicente Peña
Medicina interna. Diagnóstico y tratamiento. 3ra ed, xlix, 937-xlix, 937, 2022
Urbanization, diet change, and the transformation of the downstream and midstream of the agrifood system: Effects on the poor in Africa and Asia
T Reardon, D Boughton, D Tschirley, S Haggblade, M Dolislager, ...
Value-chain clusters and aquaculture innovation in Bangladesh
C Hu, X Zhang, T Reardon, R Hernandez
Food Policy 83, 310-326, 2019
Links among supermarkets, wholesalers, and small farmers in developing countries: conceptualization and emerging evidence
T Reardon, JA Berdegué, CP Timmer, T Cabot, D Mainville, L Flores, ...
The future of small farms 45, 2005
Tomato farmers and modernising value chains in Indonesia
R Hernández, T Reardon, R Natawidjaja, S Shetty
Bulletin of Indonesian economic studies 51 (3), 425-444, 2015
Supermarkets and horticultural development in Mexico: synthesis of findings and recommendations to USAID and GOM
T Reardon, JA Berdegué, F Echánove, R Cook, N Tucker, A Martınez, ...
Report submitted to USAID/Mexico and USDA/Washington, 2007
Barrier analysis for adequate daily fruit and vegetable consumption among low-income residents of Hanoi, Vietnam and Ibadan, Nigeria
A De Filippo, G Meldrum, F Samuel, MT Tuyet, G Kennedy, OA Adeyemi, ...
Global food security 31, 100586, 2021
Supermarkets and small horticultural product farmers in Central America.
J Berdegue, T Reardon, F Balsevich, L Flores, R Hernandez
Global supply chains, standards and the poor: How the globalization of food …, 2007
Diets, food choices and environmental impacts across an urban-rural interface in Northern Vietnam
HT Trinh, V Linderhof, VT Vuong, EE Esaryk, M Heller, Y Dijkxhoorn, ...
Agriculture 11 (2), 137, 2021
Supermarkets and rural livelihoods: A research method
T Reardon, JA Berdegue, M Lundy, P Schutz, F Balsevich, R Hernandez, ...
Smallholder farmer participation in modernization of a food system: The dairy value chain in Zambia
D Neven, T Reardon, R Hernandez, G Tembo
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, 2017
Rural nonfarm employment and agricultural modernization and diversification in Guatemala
R Hernandez, T Reardon, Z Guan
Strawberry growers and modern market channels in Mexico
JA Berdegué, R Hernández, J Ortega, T Reardon
Micro Report Module 3, 2007
The effects of retail and wholesale transformation on horticulture supply chains in Indonesia: with tomato illustration from West Java
RS Natawidjaja, T Perdana, E Rasmikayati, T Insan, S Bahri, T Reardon, ...
Draft report for the World Bank by the Center for Agricultural Policy and …, 2006
Partial food systems baseline assessment at the Vietnam benchmark sites
HTT Tuyen, HTM Pham, HT Trinh, TT Duong, TM Nguyen, R Hernandez, ...
Supermarkets, horticultural supply chains, and small farmers in Central America
T Reardon47, J Berdegué4, L Flores, F Balsevich, R Hernández49
Governance, coordination and distribution along commodity value chains, 95, 2007
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Articles 1–20