Mark A. Novotny
Mark A. Novotny
Professor and Head, Department of Physics and Astronomy, William L. Giles Distinguished Professor
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Cited by
Kinetic Ising model in an oscillating field: Finite-size scaling at the dynamic phase transition
SW Sides, PA Rikvold, MA Novotny
Physical review letters 81 (4), 834, 1998
Dynamic phase transition, universality, and finite-size scaling in the two-dimensional kinetic Ising model in an oscillating field
G Korniss, CJ White, PA Rikvold, MA Novotny
Physical Review E 63 (1), 016120, 2000
Monte Carlo algorithms with absorbing Markov chains: Fast local algorithms for slow dynamics
MA Novotny
Physical review letters 74 (1), 1, 1995
Suppressing roughness of virtual times in parallel discrete-event simulations
G Korniss, MA Novotny, H Guclu, Z Toroczkai, PA Rikvold
Science 299 (5607), 677-679, 2003
Kinetic Ising model in an oscillating field: Avrami theory for the hysteretic response and finite-size scaling for the dynamic phase transition
SW Sides, PA Rikvold, MA Novotny
Physical Review E 59 (3), 2710, 1999
Numerical study of a mixed Ising ferrimagnetic system
GM Buendia, MA Novotny
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 9 (27), 5951, 1997
Effects of D-strain, g-strain, and dipolar interactions on EPR linewidths of the molecular magnets Fe 8 and Mn 12
K Park, MA Novotny, NS Dalal, S Hill, PA Rikvold
Physical Review B 65 (1), 014426, 2001
Absence of first-order transition and tricritical point in the dynamic phase diagram of a spatially extended bistable system in an oscillating field
G Korniss, PA Rikvold, MA Novotny
Physical Review E 66 (5), 056127, 2002
Evidence for a dynamic phase transition in magnetic multilayers
DT Robb, YH Xu, O Hellwig, J McCord, A Berger, MA Novotny, PA Rikvold
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (13), 134422, 2008
Test of the Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami picture of metastable decay in a model with microscopic dynamics
RA Ramos, PA Rikvold, MA Novotny
Physical Review B 59 (14), 9053, 1999
An evaluation of the performance of Restricted Boltzmann Machines as a model for anomaly network intrusion detection
T Aldwairi, D Perera, MA Novotny
Computer Networks 144, 111-119, 2018
From massively parallel algorithms and fluctuating time horizons to nonequilibrium surface growth
G Korniss, Z Toroczkai, MA Novotny, PA Rikvold
Physical review letters 84 (6), 1351, 2000
Stochastic hysteresis and resonance in a kinetic Ising system
SW Sides, PA Rikvold, MA Novotny
Physical Review E 57 (6), 6512, 1998
Langevin simulation of thermally activated magnetization reversal in nanoscale pillars
G Brown, MA Novotny, PA Rikvold
Physical Review B 64 (13), 134422, 2001
Magnetization switching in nanoscale ferromagnetic grains: Description by a kinetic Ising model
HL Richards, SW Sides, MA Novotny, PA Rikvold
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 150 (1), 37-50, 1995
Parallelization of a dynamic Monte Carlo algorithm: a partially rejection-free conservative approach
G Korniss, MA Novotny, PA Rikvold
Journal of Computational Physics 153 (2), 488-508, 1999
First-order reentrant transition in granular superconducting films
L Jacobs, JV José, MA Novotny
Physical Review Letters 53 (22), 2177, 1984
Role of dipolar and exchange interactions in the positions and widths of EPR transitions for the single-molecule magnets Fe 8 and Mn 12
K Park, MA Novotny, NS Dalal, S Hill, PA Rikvold
Physical Review B 66 (14), 144409, 2002
Numerical investigation of a model for oxygen ordering in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6+ x
T Aukrust, MA Novotny, PA Rikvold, DP Landau
Physical Review B 41 (13), 8772, 1990
A new approach to an old algorithm for the simulation of Ising-like systems
MA Novotny
Computers in Physics;(United States) 9 (1), 1995
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Articles 1–20