Gareth Tate
Gareth Tate
Endangered Wildlife Trust
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Differential foraging success across a light level spectrum explains the maintenance and spatial structure of colour morphs in a polymorphic bird
GJ Tate, JM Bishop, A Amar
Ecology Letters 19 (6), 679-686, 2016
Differential haemoparasite intensity between black sparrowhawk (Accipiter melanoleucus) morphs suggests an adaptive function for polymorphism
B Lei, A Amar, A Koeslag, TA Gous, GJ Tate
PLoS One 8 (12), e81607, 2013
Black Sparrowhawk brooding behaviour in relation to chick age and weather variation in the recently colonised Cape Peninsula, South Africa
J Katzenberger, G Tate, A Koeslag, A Amar
Journal of Ornithology 156, 903-913, 2015
Morph specific foraging behavior by a polymorphic raptor under variable light conditions
GJ Tate, A Amar
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 9161, 2017
Family morph matters: factors determining survival and recruitment in a long‐lived polymorphic raptor
P Sumasgutner, GJ Tate, A Koeslag, A Amar
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (4), 1043-1055, 2016
Pair complementarity influences reproductive output in the polymorphic black sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucus
G Tate, P Sumasgutner, A Koeslag, A Amar
Journal of Avian Biology 48 (3), 387-398, 2017
Quantifying the spatial distribution and trends of supplementary feeding sites in South Africa and their potential contribution to vulture energetic requirements
CW Brink, A Santangeli, A Amar, K Wolter, G Tate, S Krüger, AS Tucker, ...
Animal Conservation 23 (5), 491-501, 2020
Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for large migratory birds at a flyway scale
J Serratosa, S Oppel, S Rotics, A Santangeli, SHM Butchart, ...
Biological Conservation 293, 110525, 2024
Movement patterns of lesser flamingos Phoeniconaias minor: nomadism or partial migration?
MD Pretorius, L Leeuwner, GJ Tate, A Botha, MD Michael, K Durgapersad, ...
Wildlife Biology 2020 (3), 1-11, 2020
Seasonal patterns in space use of Black Sparrowhawks Accipiter melanoleucus in an urban environment
P Sumasgutner, GJ Tate, A Koeslag, A Amar
Bird Study 63 (3), 430-435, 2016
Contrasting parental color morphs increase regularity of prey deliveries in an African raptor
C Nebel, P Sumasgutner, SC McPherson, GJ Tate, A Amar
Behavioral Ecology 31 (5), 1142-1149, 2020
Perceptions of vulture supplementary feeding site managers and potential hidden risks to avian scavengers
CW Brink, A Santangeli, A Amar, K Wolter, G Tate, S Krüger, AS Tucker, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 2 (8), e237, 2020
Possessed: Black sparrowhawks and Egyptian geese vie for nest sites
G Tate, A Amar
Africa-Birds and Birding 17 (4), 12-13, 2012
A utilization distribution for the global population of Cape Vultures (Gyps coprotheres) to guide wind energy development
F Cervantes, M Murgatroyd, DG Allan, N Farwig, R Kemp, S Krüger, ...
Ecological Applications 33 (3), e2809, 2023
Using GPS tracking to monitor the breeding performance of a low-density raptor improves accuracy, and reduces long-term financial and carbon costs
M Murgatroyd, G Tate, A Amar
Royal Society Open Science 10 (8), 221447, 2023
Clinal variation in the polymorphic Black Sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucus is unrelated to infection by the blood parasite Haemoproteus nisi
S McCarren, P Sumasgutner, G Tate, A Koeslag, A Amar
Journal of Ornithology 162 (1), 231-241, 2021
Captive large predators killing vultures: exposing captive facilities as an additional source of mortality to highly threatened birds
LJ Thompson, JP Davies, CT Downs, G Tate
Bothalia-African Biodiversity & Conservation 50 (1), 1-5, 2020
Pleiotropic effects of melanin pigmentation: haemoparasite infection intensity but not telomere length is associated with plumage morph in black sparrowhawks
E Rodseth, P Sumasgutner, G Tate, JF Nilsson, H Watson, MF Maritz, ...
Royal Society Open Science 11 (4), 230370, 2024
Adaptations to life on arid islands of South Africa : renal performance and phenotypic plasticity in the European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus
GJ Tate, HG Marco
African Zoology 49 (2), 203-212, 2014
Exploring the maintenance of plumage polymorphism in the Black Sparrowhawk
GJ Tate
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Articles 1–20