David Soto
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Cited by
Early, involuntary top-down guidance of attention from working memory.
D Soto, D Heinke, GW Humphreys, MJ Blanco
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 31 (2), 248, 2005
Automatic guidance of attention from working memory
D Soto, J Hodsoll, P Rotshtein, GW Humphreys
Trends in cognitive sciences 12 (9), 342-348, 2008
Working memory can guide pop-out search
D Soto, GW Humphreys, D Heinke
Vision research 46 (6-7), 1010-1018, 2006
Automatic guidance of visual attention from verbal working memory.
D Soto, GW Humphreys
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 33 (3), 730, 2007
Working memory without consciousness
D Soto, T Mäntylä, J Silvanto
Current Biology 21 (22), R912-R913, 2011
Dissociating the neural mechanisms of memory-based guidance of visual selection
D Soto, GW Humphreys, P Rotshtein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (43), 17186-17191, 2007
Pleasant music overcomes the loss of awareness in patients with visual neglect
D Soto, MJ Funes, A Guzmán-García, T Warbrick, P Rotshtein, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (14), 6011-6016, 2009
Music listening after stroke: beneficial effects and potential neural mechanisms
T Särkämö, D Soto
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1252 (1), 266-281, 2012
Reappraising the relationship between working memory and conscious awareness
D Soto, J Silvanto
Trends in cognitive sciences 18 (10), 520-525, 2014
Spatial attention and object-based attention: A comparison within a single task
D Soto, MJ Blanco
Vision research 44 (1), 69-81, 2004
The confidence database
D Rahnev, K Desender, ALF Lee, WT Adler, D Aguilar-Lleyda, B Akdoğan, ...
Nature human behaviour 4 (3), 317-325, 2020
Thalamic control of human attention driven by memory and learning
J de Bourbon-Teles, P Bentley, S Koshino, K Shah, A Dutta, P Malhotra, ...
Current biology 24 (9), 993-999, 2014
Stressing the mind: The effect of cognitive load and articulatory suppression on attentional guidance from working memory
D Soto, GW Humphreys
Perception & Psychophysics 70 (5), 924-934, 2008
Electrophysiological evidence for attentional guidance by the contents of working memory
S Kumar, D Soto, GW Humphreys
European Journal of Neuroscience 30 (2), 307-317, 2009
Cognitive control over working memory biases of selection
A Kiyonaga, T Egner, D Soto
Psychonomic bulletin & review 19, 639-646, 2012
Working memory biasing of visual perception without awareness
Y Pan, B Lin, Y Zhao, D Soto
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 76, 2051-2062, 2014
Motor dexterity and strength depend upon integrity of the attention-control system
PB Paul Rinne, Mursyida Hassan, Cristina Fernandes, Erika Han, Emma Hennessy ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (3), E536-E545, 2018
Automatic selection of irrelevant object features through working memory: Evidence for top-down attentional capture
D Soto, GW Humphreys
Experimental psychology 56 (3), 165-172, 2009
Working memory enhances visual perception: evidence from signal detection analysis.
D Soto, A Wriglesworth, A Bahrami-Balani, GW Humphreys
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 36 (2), 441, 2010
Seeing the content of the mind: Enhanced awareness through working memory in patients with visual extinction
D Soto, GW Humphreys
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (12), 4789-4792, 2006
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Articles 1–20