Jeff Gray
Jeff Gray
U. of Alabama Distinguished Professor, Computer Science; Director, Randall Research Scholars
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Cited by
Model-driven software development
S Beydeda, M Book
Springer 15, 59, 2005
Models for digitalization
J Gray, B Rumpe
Software & Systems Modeling 14, 1319-1320, 2015
Learnable programming: blocks and beyond
D Bau, J Gray, C Kelleher, J Sheldon, F Turbak
Communications of the ACM 60 (6), 72-80, 2017
Promptchainer: Chaining large language model prompts through visual programming
T Wu, E Jiang, A Donsbach, J Gray, A Molina, M Terry, CJ Cai
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, 1-10, 2022
Handling crosscutting constraints in domain-specific modeling
J Gray, T Bapty, S Neema, J Tuck
Communications of the ACM 44 (10), 87-93, 2001
DSMDiff: a differentiation tool for domain-specific models
Y Lin, J Gray, F Jouault
European Journal of Information Systems 16 (4), 349-361, 2007
Models for the digital transformation
J Gray, B Rumpe
Software & Systems Modeling 16, 307-308, 2017
Domain-Specific Modeling.
J Gray, S Neema, JP Tolvanen, AS Gokhale, S Kelly, J Sprinkle
Handbook of dynamic system modeling 7, 7-1, 2007
Generic and domain-specific model refactoring using a model transformation engine
J Zhang, Y Lin, J Gray
Model-driven Software Development, 199-217, 2005
Composition and cloning in modeling and meta-modeling
G Karsai, M Maroti, Á Lédeczi, J Gray, J Sztipanovits
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 12 (2), 263-278, 2004
Globalizing modeling languages
B Combemale, J Deantoni, B Baudry, RB France, JM Jézéquel, J Gray
Computer, 10-13, 2014
Grid‐Flow: a Grid‐enabled scientific workflow system with a Petri‐net‐based interface
Z Guan, F Hernandez, P Bangalore, J Gray, A Skjellum, V Velusamy, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18 (10), 1115-1140, 2006
Model transformation by demonstration
Y Sun
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN conference companion on Object oriented …, 2009
Automatic generation of language-based tools using the LISA system
PR Henriques, MJV Pereira, M Mernik, M Lenič, J Gray, H Wu
IEE Proceedings-Software 152 (2), 54-69, 2005
Challenges and directions in formalizing the semantics of modeling languages
BR Bryant, J Gray, M Mernik, PJ Clarke, RB France, G Karsai
An approach for supporting aspect-oriented domain modeling
J Gray, T Bapty, S Neema, DC Schmidt, A Gokhale, B Natarajan
Generative Programming and Component Engineering: Second International …, 2003
Automating change evolution in model-driven engineering
J Gray, Y Lin, J Zhang
Computer 39 (2), 51-58, 2006
Using app inventor in a K-12 summer camp
A Wagner, J Gray, J Corley, D Wolber
Proceeding of the 44th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education …, 2013
Phoenix-based clone detection using suffix trees
R Tairas, J Gray
Proceedings of the 44th annual Southeast regional conference, 679-684, 2006
Increasing clone maintenance support by unifying clone detection and refactoring activities
R Tairas, J Gray
Information and Software Technology 54 (12), 1297-1307, 2012
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Articles 1–20