Robert Owen
Cited by
Cited by
Interaction of lean and building information modeling in construction
R Sacks, L Koskela, BA Dave, R Owen
Journal of construction engineering and management 136 (9), 968-980, 2010
Is agile project management applicable to construction?
R Owen, LJ Koskela, G Henrich, R Codinhoto
Implementing lean in construction: Lean construction and BIM [CIRIA Guide C725]
B Dave, L Koskela, A Kiviniemi, P Tzortzopoulos, R Owen
CIRIA-Construction Industry Research and Information Association, 2013
Challenges for integrated design and delivery solutions
R Owen, R Amor, M Palmer, J Dickinson, CB Tatum, AS Kazi, M Prins, ...
Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions, 232-240, 2010
Analysis framework for the interaction between lean construction and building information modelling
R Sacks, B Dave, L Koskela, RB Owen
Proceedings of IGLC17: 17th Annual Conference of the International Group for …, 2009
Editorial Introduction: Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions
M Prins, R Owen
Architectural Engineering and Design Management 6, 227-231, 2010
Agile construction project management
RL Owen, L Koskela
6th international postgraduate research conference in the built and human …, 2006
CIB White Paper on IDDS Integrated Design & Delivery Solutions
RL Owen
A review of BIM capabilities for quantity surveying practice
NAAB Ismail, R Drogemuller, S Beazley, R Owen
Proceedings of the 4th International Building Control Conference 2016 (IBCC …, 2016
An agile step forward in project management
R Owen, L Koskela
2nd Specialty Conference on Leadership and Management in Construction and …, 2006
Research Roadmap Report-Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions (IDDS)[CIB Publication: 370]
RB Owen, R Amor, J Dickinson, M Prins, A Kiviniemi
International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction, 2013
Lean construction, building information modelling and sustainability
L Koskela, RB Owen, B Dave
Proceedings of the 2010 ERACOBUILD Workshop on BIM and Lean, 1-8, 2010
Overview of Building Information Modelling in healthcare projects
E Pikas, L Koskela, S Sapountzis, D Bhargav, R Owen
Global health infrastructure – challenges for the next decade. Delivering …, 2011
Theory based production and project management
L Koskela, G Henrich, RB Owen, R Vrijhoef
Proceedings of the 3rd International Salford Centre for Research and …, 2006
Construction physics–understanding the flows in a construction process
G Henrich, S Bertelsen, L Koskela, K Kraemer, J Rooke, R Owen
Micro-Processes of Managing the Construction of Building. Copenhagen …, 2008
Beyond BIM-It's not the end of the road!
R Amor, RB Owen
Lachmi Khemlani, AECbytes, 2011
Gearing up academics for collaborative Building Information Modelling (BIM) education
C Hon, E Utiome, R Drogemuller, R Owen, M Nepal, J Gray, V Coffey
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Innovative Production …, 2015
Exploring accuracy factors in cost estimating practice towards implementing building information modelling (BIM)
NA Ismail, E Utiome, R Owen, R Drogemuller
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and …, 2015
Desafios Para A Implementação Do Processo De Projeto Colaborativo: Análise Do Fator Humano
L Manzione, MW Abaurre, SB Melhado, R Owen
La Reunión Tic 2011-V De La Información Y La Comunicación En La Construcción, 2011
An evaluation of learning and teaching initiatives for BIM education at Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
CKH Hon, E Utiome, R Drogemuller, R Owen, S Beazley, M Nepal, J Gray, ...
CIB W78 Conference, 2016
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Articles 1–20