Ad Lagendijk
Cited by
Cited by
Localization of light in a disordered medium
DS Wiersma, P Bartolini, A Lagendijk, R Righini
Nature 390 (6661), 671-673, 1997
Observation of weak localization of light in a random medium
MP Van Albada, A Lagendijk
Physical review letters 55 (24), 2692, 1985
Controlling waves in space and time for imaging and focusing in complex media
AP Mosk, A Lagendijk, G Lerosey, M Fink
Nature photonics 6 (5), 283-292, 2012
Non-invasive imaging through opaque scattering layers
J Bertolotti, EG Van Putten, C Blum, A Lagendijk, WL Vos, AP Mosk
Nature 491 (7423), 232-234, 2012
Femtosecond spectroscopy of electron-electron and electron-phonon energy relaxation in Ag and Au
RHM Groeneveld, R Sprik, A Lagendijk
Physical Review B 51 (17), 11433, 1995
Resonant multiple scattering of light
A Lagendijk, BA Van Tiggelen
Physics Reports 270 (3), 143-215, 1996
Light diffusion with gain and random lasers
DS Wiersma, A Lagendijk
Physical Review E 54 (4), 4256, 1996
Design of light scattering in nanowire materials for photovoltaic applications
OL Muskens, JG Rivas, RE Algra, EPAM Bakkers, A Lagendijk
Nano letters 8 (9), 2638-2642, 2008
Light scattering in strongly scattering media: multiple scattering and weak localization
MB Van Der Mark, MP van Albada, A Lagendijk
Physical Review B 37 (7), 3575, 1988
Speed of propagation of classical waves in strongly scattering media
MP van Albada, BA van Tiggelen, A Lagendijk, A Tip
Physical review letters 66 (24), 3132, 1991
Point scatterers for classical waves
P De Vries, DV Van Coevorden, A Lagendijk
Reviews of modern physics 70 (2), 447, 1998
Transverse localization of light
H De Raedt, AD Lagendijk, P de Vries
Physical review letters 62 (1), 47, 1989
Light transport through the band-edge states of Fibonacci quasicrystals
L Dal Negro, CJ Oton, Z Gaburro, L Pavesi, P Johnson, A Lagendijk, ...
Physical review letters 90 (5), 055501, 2003
Strong effects of photonic band structures on the diffraction of colloidal crystals
WL Vos, R Sprik, A van Blaaderen, A Imhof, A Lagendijk, GH Wegdam
Physical Review B 53 (24), 16231, 1996
Observation of radially localized atomic electron wave packets
A Ten Wolde, LD Noordam, A Lagendijk, HBVL van Den Heuvell
Physical review letters 61 (18), 2099, 1988
Control of light transmission through opaque scattering media in space and time
J Aulbach, B Gjonaj, PM Johnson, AP Mosk, A Lagendijk
Physical review letters 106 (10), 103901, 2011
Experimental evidence for recurrent multiple scattering events of light in disordered media
DS Wiersma, MP van Albada, BA van Tiggelen, A Lagendijk
Physical Review Letters 74 (21), 4193, 1995
Measuring and modifying the spontaneous emission rate of erbium near an interface
E Snoeks, A Lagendijk, A Polman
Physical Review Letters 74 (13), 2459, 1995
Coherent backscattering of light from amplifying random media
DS Wiersma, MP van Albada, A Lagendijk
Physical review letters 75 (9), 1739, 1995
Demixing light paths inside disordered metamaterials
IM Vellekoop, EG Van Putten, A Lagendijk, AP Mosk
Optics express 16 (1), 67-80, 2008
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Articles 1–20