Anne Pluymakers
Cited by
Cited by
Mechano-chemical interactions in sedimentary rocks in the context of CO2 storage: Weak acid, weak effects?
J Rohmer, A Pluymakers, F Renard
Earth-Science Reviews 157, 86-110, 2016
Compaction creep of simulated anhydrite fault gouge by pressure solution: theory v. experiments and implications for fault sealing
AMH Pluymakers, CJ Spiers
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 409 (1), 107-124, 2015
Effects of temperature and CO2 on the frictional behavior of simulated anhydrite fault rock
AMH Pluymakers, JE Samuelson, AR Niemeijer, CJ Spiers
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (12), 8728-8747, 2014
Diagenetic compaction experiments on simulated anhydrite fault gouge under static conditions
AMH Pluymakers, CJ Peach, CJ Spiers
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (5), 4123-4148, 2014
How microfracture roughness can be used to distinguish between exhumed cracks and in-situ flow paths in shales
A Pluymakers, M Kobchenko, F Renard
Journal of Structural Geology 94, 87-97, 2017
Healing and sliding stability of simulated anhydrite fault gouge: Effects of water, temperature and CO2
AMH Pluymakers, AR Niemeijer
Tectonophysics 656, 111-130, 2015
A high resolution interferometric method to measure local swelling due to CO2 exposure in coal and shale
A Pluymakers, J Liu, F Kohler, F Renard, D Dysthe
International Journal of Coal Geology 187, 131-142, 2018
The effects of lateral variations in rock composition and texture on anhydrite caprock integrity of CO2 storage systems
SJT Hangx, AMH Pluymakers, A Ten Hove, CJ Spiers
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 69, 80-92, 2014
Frictional properties of simulated anhydrite-dolomite fault gouge and implications for seismogenic potential
AMH Pluymakers, AR Niemeijer, CJ Spiers
Journal of Structural Geology 84, 31-46, 2016
Focus stacking photogrammetry for micro‐scale roughness reconstruction: a methodological study
M Olkowicz, M Dabrowski, A Pluymakers
The Photogrammetric Record 34 (165), 11-35, 2019
Nanograin formation and reaction-induced fracturing due to decarbonation: Implications for the microstructures of fault mirrors
A Pluymakers, A Røyne
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 476, 59-68, 2017
Effects of thermal shocks on integrity of existing and newly-designed sealants for CCS applications
K Li, AMH Pluymakers
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 133, 104103, 2024
Neutron imaging of cadmium sorption and transport in porous rocks
B Cordonnier, A Pluymakers, A Tengattini, S Marti, A Kaestner, F Fusseis, ...
Frontiers in earth science 7, 306, 2019
High-speed imaging of degassing kinetics of CO2–water mixtures
C Boeije, P Zitha, A Pluymakers
Physics of Fluids 34 (12), 2022
Ion-species in pore fluids with opposite effects on limestone fracturing
A Pluymakers, A Ougier-Simonin, A Barnhoorn
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 26, 100233, 2021
Frictional and sealing behavior of simulated anhydrite fault gouge: Effects of CO2 and implications for fault stability and caprock integrity
AMH Pluymakers
UU Dept. of Earth Sciences, 2015
Induced seismicity: a global phenomenon with special relevance to the Dutch subsurface
A Pluymakers, AG Muntendam-Bos, A Niemeijer
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 102, e2, 2023
Acoustic monitoring of laboratory induced fault reactivation
A Veltmeijer, M Naderloo, A Pluymakers, A Barnhoorn
83rd EAGE annual conference & exhibition 2022 (1), 1-5, 2022
CO2 degassing of fluid in coreflood experiments
CS Boeije, CB Verweij, PLJ Zitha, AMH Pluymakers
European Geothermal Congress 2022, 2022
Factors controlling pore network development of thermally mature Early Palaeozoic mudstones from the Baltic Basin (N Poland)
P Słomski, J Szczepański, T Topór, M Mastalerz, A Pluymakers, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 134, 105328, 2021
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Articles 1–20