Dr. Vivek Patel
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Cited by
Artificially roughened solar air heating technology–A comprehensive review
YD Khimsuriya, DK Patel, Z Said, H Panchal, MM Jaber, L Natrayan, ...
Applied Thermal Engineering 214, 118817, 2022
Theoretical and experimental investigation of bubble column humidification and thermoelectric cooler dehumidification water desalination system
V Patel, R Patel, J Patel
International Journal of Energy Research 44 (2), 890-901, 2020
Experimental and theoretical evaluation of bubbler humidifier for humidification-dehumidification water desalination system
V Patel, R Patel, J Patel
Heat and Mass Transfer 55, 3201-3210, 2019
Performance investigation of a modified single-basin solar distiller by augmenting thermoelectric cooler as an external condenser
V Patel, LK Kaushik, YD Khimsuriya, P Mehta, AE Kabeel
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (22), 61829-61841, 2023
Performance assessment of conventional solar desalination system in Northern part of Gujarat
P Mehta, AE Kabeel, V Patel, S Kumar
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-12, 2021
Mathematical modeling and performance assessment of solar air collector
P Mehta, S Kumar, V Patel, A Joshi
Indian J Sci Technol 13 (18), 1803-1810, 2020
CFD simulation of dehumidification of air in humidification-dehumidification based water desalination system
V Patel, R Patel, N Trapasia, V Patel
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical …, 2022
Performance and Economic Analysis of Bubble Column Humidification and Thermoelectric Cooler Dehumidification Water Desalination System
V Patel, R Patel, S Kumar
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 14 (6), 061009, 2022
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Articles 1–8