Amador Durán Toro
Amador Durán Toro
Associate Professor (Profesor Titular) of Software Engineering, Universidad de Sevilla
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Cited by
Automated error analysis for the agilization of feature modeling
P Trinidad, D Benavides, A Durán, A Ruiz-Cortés, M Toro
Journal of Systems and Software 81 (6), 883-896, 2008
A requirements elicitation approach based in templates and patterns
A Durán, B Bernárdez, A Ruiz-Cortés, M Toro
2nd Workshop on Requirements Engineering (WER), 17-29, 1999
Metodología para la Elicitación de Requisitos de Sistemas Software
A Durán, B Bernárdez
Informe Técnico LSI-2000-10. Facultad de Informática y Estadística …, 2000
Un entorno metodológico de ingeniería de requisitos para sistemas de información
A Durán Toro
Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Sevilla, 2000
Improving the automatic procurement of web services using constraint programming
A Ruiz-Cortés, O Martín-Díaz, A Durán, M Toro
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 14 (4), 439-467, 2005
Supporting requirements verification using XSLT
A Durán, A Ruiz-Cortés, R Corchuelo, M Toro
IEEE Joint International Conference on Requirements Engineering, 165-172, 2002
Empirical evaluation and review of a metrics-based approach for use case verification
B Bernárdez, A Durán, M Genero
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 36 (4), 247-258, 2004
FLAME: a formal framework for the automated analysis of software product lines validated by automated specification testing
A Durán, D Benavides, S Segura, P Trinidad, A Ruiz-Cortés
Software & Systems Modeling 16 (4), 1049-1082, 2017
An approach to temporal-aware procurement of web services
O Martín-Díaz, A Ruiz-Cortés, A Durán, C Müller
International Conference on Service–Oriented Computing, 170-184, 2005
Visual ppinot: A Graphical Notation for Process Performance Indicators
A del-Río-Ortega, M Resinas, A Durán, B Bernárdez, A Ruiz-Cortés, ...
Business & Information Systems Engineering 61, 137-161, 2019
Performance metamorphic testing: Motivation and challenges
S Segura, J Troya, A Durán, A Ruiz-Cortés
2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering: New …, 2017
Using templates and linguistic patterns to define process performance indicators
A del-Río-Ortega, M Resinas, A Durán, A Ruiz-Cortés
Enterprise Information Systems 10 (2), 159-192, 2016
A quality-aware approach to web services procurement
O Martín-Díaz, A Ruiz-Cortés, D Benavides, A Durán, M Toro
Technologies for E-Services, 42-53, 2003
Automated metamorphic testing of variability analysis tools
S Segura, A Durán, AB Sánchez, DL Berre, E Lonca, A Ruiz‐Cortés
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 35 (2), 138-163, 2015
A controlled experiment to evaluate the effects of mindfulness in software engineering
B Bernárdez, A Durán, JA Parejo, A Ruiz-Cortés
Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical …, 2014
Defining process performance indicators by using templates and patterns
A del-Río-Ortega, M Resinas, A Durán, A Ruiz-Cortés
Business Process Management, 223-228, 2012
An experimental replication on the effect of the practice of mindfulness in conceptual modeling performance
B Bernárdez, A Durán, JA Parejo, A Ruiz–Cortés
Journal of Systems and Software 136, 153-172, 2018
A controlled experiment for evaluating a metric-based reading technique for requirements inspection
B Bernardez, M Genero, A Durán, M Toro
International Symposium on Software Metrics, 257-268, 2004
Metodología para el análisis de requisitos de sistemas software (versión 2.2)
A Durán, B Bernárdez
Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, España, 2001
Effects of mindfulness on conceptual modeling performance: A series of experiments
B Bernárdez, A Durán, JA Parejo, N Juristo, A Ruiz-Cortes
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2020
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Articles 1–20