Imade Benelallam
Imade Benelallam
Professor of Computer Science, INSEA, Rabat
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Cited by
Asynchronous inter-level forward-checking for DisCSPs
R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, M Wahbi, I Benelallam, EH Bouyakhf
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming-CP 2009: 15th …, 2009
Dynamic backtracking for distributed constraint optimization
R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, I Benelallam, EH Bouyakhf, M Belaissaoui
ECAI 2008, 901-902, 2008
Darijabert: a step forward in nlp for the written moroccan dialect
K Gaanoun, AM Naira, A Allak, I Benelallam
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 1-13, 2024
Sarcasm and sentiment detection in Arabic language A hybrid approach combining embeddings and rule-based features
K Gaanoun, I Benelallam
Proceedings of the Sixth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop, 351-356, 2021
Automatic text summarization for moroccan arabic dialect using an artificial intelligence approach
K Gaanoun, AM Naira, A Allak, I Benelallam
International Conference on Business Intelligence, 158-177, 2022
Arabic dialect identification: An Arabic-BERT model with data augmentation and ensembling strategy
K Gaanoun, I Benelallam
Proceedings of the Fifth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop, 275-281, 2020
Asynchronous breadth first search dcop algorithm
R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, I Benelallam, M Belaissaoui
Applied Mathematical Sciences 2 (37-40), 1837-1854, 2008
Constraint programming based techniques for medical resources optimization: medical internships planning
A Benamrane, I Benelallam, EH Bouyakhf
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 11, 3801-3810, 2020
Dynamic JChoc: A Distributed Constraints Reasoning Platform for Dynamically Changing Environments
I Benelallam, Z Erraji, G El Khattabi, EH Bouyakhf
Agents and Artificial Intelligence: 7th International Conference, ICAART …, 2015
Robust coverage optimization approach in Wireless Sensor Networks
A Daoudi, B Detienne, R El Azouzi, I Benelallam, EH Bouyakhf
2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications …, 2017
Extended Partial-order Dynamic Backtracking algorithm for dynamically changed environments
Y Acodad, I Benelallam, S Hammoujan, EH Bouyakhf
2012 IEEE 24th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2012
Toward an end-to-end voice to sign recognition for dialect Moroccan language
A Allak, I Benelallam, H Habbouza, M Amallah
International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Humanity, 253-262, 2021
Dialectal voice: An open-source voice dataset and automatic speech recognition model for moroccan arabic dialect
A Allak, AM Naira, I Benelallam, K Gaanoun
NeurIPS Data-Centric AI Workshop, 2021
Contribution to modeling smart grid problem with the constraint satisfaction problem formalism
G El Khattabi, S Lahboub, B El Houssine, I Benelallam
Proceedings of the 2nd Mediterranean conference on pattern recognition and …, 2018
Asynchronous maintenance of arc consistency
I Benelallam, S Hammoujan, R Ezzahir, EH Bouyakhf
Applied Mathematical Sciences 4 (25), 1197-1212, 2010
Maintaining ethical resolution in distributed constraint reasoning
G El Khattabi, I Benelallam, EH Bouyakhf
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 11 (11), 5065-5081, 2020
Detection of unethical intelligent agents in ethical distributed constraint satisfaction problems
G El Khattabi, O Haij, I Benelallam, EH Bouyakhf
Proceedings of the 2nd Mediterranean conference on pattern recognition and …, 2018
Mp-abt: a minimal perturbation approach for complex local problems
G El Khattabi, I Benelallam, EH Bouyakhf
International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2, 268-275, 2017
Bridging the gap between research and engineering education: A case study of the distributed constraints programming research field
I Benelallam
QScience Proceedings 2015 (4), 36, 2014
Modeling trainings in faculty of medicine and pharmacy of Casablanca as constraint satisfaction problem
A Benamrane, Y Acodad, I Benelallam, B El Houssine, BO Mohammed
The Thirteenth International Workshop on Constraint Modelling and …, 2014
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Articles 1–20