Jacques Fayolle
Jacques Fayolle
Mines Saint-Etienne
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State of the art about remote laboratories paradigms-foundations of ongoing mutations
C Gravier, J Fayolle, B Bayard, M Ates, J Lardon
International Journal of Online Engineering 4 (1), http://www. online …, 2008
An identity-centric internet: identity in the cloud, identity as a service and other delights
M Ates, S Ravet, AM Ahmat, J Fayolle
2011 Sixth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and …, 2011
Distance learning: Closing the gap between remote labs and learning management systems
C Gravier, J Fayolle, G Noyel, A Lelevé, H Benmohamed
2006 1ST IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial …, 2006
Adaptive system for collaborative online laboratories
C Gravier, J Fayolle, J Lardon, MJ O'Connor
IEEE Intelligent Systems 27 (4), 11-17, 2012
Model of a true random number generator aimed at cryptographic applications
M Simka, M Drutarovsky, V Fischer, J Fayolle
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 4 pp., 2006
Interoperability between heterogeneous federation architectures: Illustration with saml and ws-federation
M Ates, C Gravier, J Lardon, J Fayolle, B Sauviac
2007 Third International IEEE Conference on Signal-Image Technologies and …, 2007
Application of multiscale characterization of edges to motion determination
J Fayolle, C Ducottet, JP Schon
IEEE transactions on signal processing 46 (4), 1174-1178, 1998
A visual programming language for XML manipulation
G Tekli, R Chbeir, J Fayolle
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 24 (2), 110-135, 2013
Robustness of a multiscale scheme of feature points detection
J Fayolle, L Riou, C Ducottet
Pattern recognition 33 (9), 1437-1453, 2000
Interactive mixed reality for collaborative remote laboratories
B Jailly, C Gravier, M Preda, J Fayolle
Proceedings of the third international ACM workshop on Multimedia …, 2011
Remote lab in virtual world for remote control of industrial processes
J Fayolle, C Gravier, N Yankelovich, E Kim
2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 1-4, 2011
Towards the loose coupling between LMS and Remote Laboratories in Online Engineering Education
NE Abdellaoui, C Gravier, B Belmekki, J Fayolle
IEEE EDUCON 2010 Conference, 1935-1940, 2010
Collaborative remote laboratory in virtual wolrd
J Fayolle, C Gravier, B Jailly
10th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED INFORMATICS AND …, 2010
Coping with collaborative and competitive episodes within collaborative remote laboratories
C Gravier, J Fayolle, B Bayard
International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation …, 2008
Towards an XML adaptation/alteration control framework
G Tekli, J Fayolle, R Chbeir
2010 Fifth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and …, 2010
Putting Reusability First: A Paradigm Switch in Remote Laboratories Engineering.
C Gravier, J Fayolle, J Lardon, B Bayard, G Dusser, R Vérot
International Journal of Online Engineering 5 (1), 2009
Projet WebAnalyzer Internet et l’instrumentation ŕ distance
B Bayard, B Sauviac, J Fayolle, B Allard, G Noyel
Symposium Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication dans les …, 2002
Motion characterization of unrigid objects by detecting and tracking feature points
J Fayolle, C Ducottet, T Fournel, JP Schon
Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 3, 803-806, 1996
XCDL: an XML-oriented visual composition definition language
G Tekli, R Chbeir, J Fayolle
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Integration …, 2010
A mediation framework for web services in a peer-to-peer environment
M Mrissa, C Ghedira, D Benslimane, Z Maamar, J Fayolle
The 3rd ACS/IEEE International Conference onComputer Systems and …, 2005
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Articles 1–20