Jeremy Goldbogen
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Cited by
Kinematics of foraging dives and lunge-feeding in fin whales
JA Goldbogen, J Calambokidis, RE Shadwick, EM Oleson, MA McDonald, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 209 (7), 1231-1244, 2006
Mechanics, hydrodynamics and energetics of blue whale lunge feeding: efficiency dependence on krill density
JA Goldbogen, J Calambokidis, E Oleson, J Potvin, ND Pyenson, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 214 (1), 131-146, 2011
Blue whales respond to simulated mid-frequency military sonar
JA Goldbogen, BL Southall, SL DeRuiter, J Calambokidis, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1765), 20130657, 2013
Integrative approaches to the study of baleen whale diving behavior, feeding performance, and foraging ecology
JA Goldbogen, AS Friedlaender, J Calambokidis, MF Mckenna, M Simon, ...
BioScience 63 (2), 90-100, 2013
Memory and resource tracking drive blue whale migrations
B Abrahms, EL Hazen, EO Aikens, MS Savoca, JA Goldbogen, SJ Bograd, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (12), 5582-5587, 2019
Foraging behavior of humpback whales: kinematic and respiratory patterns suggest a high cost for a lunge
JA Goldbogen, J Calambokidis, DA Croll, JT Harvey, KM Newton, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (23), 3712-3719, 2008
How baleen whales feed: the biomechanics of engulfment and filtration
JA Goldbogen, DE Cade, J Calambokidis, AS Friedlaender, J Potvin, ...
Annual Review of Marine Science 9 (1), 367-386, 2017
Big gulps require high drag for fin whale lunge feeding
JA Goldbogen, ND Pyenson, RE Shadwick
Marine Ecology Progress Series 349, 289-301, 2007
Independent evolution of baleen whale gigantism linked to Plio-Pleistocene ocean dynamics
GJ Slater, JA Goldbogen, ND Pyenson
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1855), 20170546, 2017
Studying cetacean behaviour: new technological approaches and conservation applications
DP Nowacek, F Christiansen, L Bejder, JA Goldbogen, AS Friedlaender
Animal behaviour 120, 235-244, 2016
Baleen whale prey consumption based on high-resolution foraging measurements
MS Savoca, MF Czapanskiy, SR Kahane-Rapport, WT Gough, ...
Nature 599 (7883), 85-90, 2021
Scaling of lunge‐feeding performance in rorqual whales: mass‐specific energy expenditure increases with body size and progressively limits diving capacity
JA Goldbogen, J Calambokidis, DA Croll, MF McKenna, E Oleson, ...
Functional Ecology 26 (1), 216-226, 2012
Why whales are big but not bigger: physiological drivers and ecological limits in the age of ocean giants
JA Goldbogen, DE Cade, DM Wisniewska, J Potvin, PS Segre, ...
Science 366 (6471), 1367-1372, 2019
Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) optimize foraging efficiency by balancing oxygen use and energy gain as a function of prey density
EL Hazen, AS Friedlaender, JA Goldbogen
Science Advances 1 (9), e1500469, 2015
Anatomic Geometry of Sound Transmission and Reception in Cuvier's Beaked Whale (Ziphius cavirostris)
TW Cranford, MF Mckenna, MS Soldevilla, SM Wiggins, JA Goldbogen, ...
The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary …, 2008
Kinematic diversity in rorqual whale feeding mechanisms
DE Cade, AS Friedlaender, J Calambokidis, JA Goldbogen
Current Biology 26 (19), 2617-2624, 2016
A multivariate mixed hidden Markov model for blue whale behaviour and responses to sound exposure
SL DeRuiter, R Langrock, T Skirbutas, JA Goldbogen, J Calambokidis, ...
Prey density and distribution drive the three‐dimensional foraging strategies of the largest filter feeder
JA Goldbogen, EL Hazen, AS Friedlaender, J Calambokidis, SL DeRuiter, ...
Functional Ecology 29 (7), 951-961, 2015
Discovery of a sensory organ that coordinates lunge feeding in rorqual whales
ND Pyenson, JA Goldbogen, AW Vogl, G Szathmary, RL Drake, ...
Nature 485 (7399), 498-501, 2012
Drones and convolutional neural networks facilitate automated and accurate cetacean species identification and photogrammetry
PC Gray, KC Bierlich, SA Mantell, AS Friedlaender, JA Goldbogen, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (9), 1490-1500, 2019
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Articles 1–20