Colin Boyd
Cited by
Cited by
A survey of trust and reputation systems for online service provision
A Jøsang, R Ismail, C Boyd
Decision support systems 43 (2), 618-644, 2007
Protocols for authentication and key establishment
C Boyd, A Mathuria
Springer Verlag, 2003
A guide to fully homomorphic encryption
F Armknecht, C Boyd, C Carr, K Gjøsteen, A Jäschke, CA Reuter, ...
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2015
Digital multisignatures
C Boyd
Proc. IMA Conf. Crypto. Coding, 1989, 241-246, 1989
Towards formal analysis of security protocols
W Mao, C Boyd
[1993] Proceedings Computer Security Foundations Workshop VI, 147-158, 1993
Round-optimal contributory conference key agreement
C Boyd, JMG Nieto
International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography, 161-174, 2002
A review of medical image watermarking requirements for teleradiology
H Nyeem, W Boles, C Boyd
Journal of digital imaging 26, 326-343, 2013
On a limitation of BAN logic
C Boyd, W Mao
Advances in Cryptology—EUROCRYPT’93, 240-247, 1994
Providing receipt-freeness in mixnet-based voting protocols
B Lee, C Boyd, E Dawson, K Kim, J Yang, S Yoo
Information Security and Cryptology-ICISC 2003: 6th International Conference …, 2004
Examining indistinguishability-based proof models for key establishment protocols
KKR Choo, C Boyd, Y Hitchcock
International conference on the theory and application of cryptology and …, 2005
Secure key issuing in ID-based cryptography
B Lee, C Boyd, E Dawson, K Kim, J Yang, S Yoo
Proceedings of the second workshop on Australasian information security …, 2004
Integrating error detection into arithmetic coding
C Boyd, JG Cleary, SA Irvine, I Rinsma-Melchert, IH Witten
IEEE Transactions on Communications 45 (1), 1-3, 1997
Off-line fair payment protocols using convertible signatures
C Boyd, E Foo
International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and …, 1998
On key agreement and conference key agreement
C Boyd
Information Security and Privacy: Second Australasian Conference, ACISP'97 …, 1997
A novel identity-based strong designated verifier signature scheme
B Kang, C Boyd, ED Dawson
Journal of Systems and Software 82 (2), 270-273, 2009
Strongly secure certificateless key agreement
G Lippold, C Boyd, J Gonzalez Nieto
International conference on pairing-based cryptography, 206-230, 2009
Efficient one-round key exchange in the standard model
C Boyd, Y Cliff, J Gonzalez Nieto, KG Paterson
Information Security and Privacy: 13th Australasian Conference, ACISP 2008 …, 2008
SKMA-A key management architecture for SCADA systems
R Dawson, C Boyd, E Dawson, J Gonzalez Nieto
ACSW Frontiers 2006: Proceedings of the 4th Australasian Symposium on Grid …, 2006
Security-mediated certificateless cryptography
SSM Chow, C Boyd, JMG Nieto
Public Key Cryptography-PKC 2006: 9th International Conference on Theory and …, 2006
Key agreement using statically keyed authenticators
C Boyd, W Mao, KG Paterson
Applied Cryptography and Network Security: Second International Conference …, 2004
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Articles 1–20