Thomas Rung
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Cited by
MEGAFLOW-Numerical Flow Simulation for Aircraft Design: Results of the second phase of the German CFD initiative MEGAFLOW, presented during its closing symposium at DLR …
N Kroll, JK Fassbender
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
Comparison of LES and RANS in bluff-body flows
H Lübcke, T Rung, F Thiele
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 89 (14-15), 1471-1485, 2001
Multi-physics SPH simulation of complex marine-engineering hydrodynamic problems
C Ulrich, M Leonardi, T Rung
Ocean Engineering 64, 109-121, 2013
EUROVAL—an European initiative on validation of CFD codes: results of the EC/BRITE-EURAM project EUROVAL, 1990–1992
W Haase, F Brandsma, E Elsholz, M Leschziner, D Schwamborn
Springer-Verlag, 2013
ECARP-European computational aerodynamics research project: validation of CFD codes and assessment of turbulence models
W Haase
Fluid Mech., 1997
Restatement of the Spalart-Allmaras eddy-viscosity model in strain-adaptive formulation
T Rung, U Bunge, M Schatz, F Thiele
AIAA journal 41 (7), 1396-1399, 2003
Assessment of explicit algebraic stress models in transonic flows
T Rung, H Lübcke, M Franke, L Xue, F Thiele, S Fu
Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Experiments 4, 659-668, 1999
FLOMANIA—A European Initiative on Flow Physics Modelling: Results of the European-Union Funded Project, 2002–2004
W Haase, B Aupoix, U Bunge, D Schwamborn
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
Computational modelling of complex boundary-layer flows
T Rung, F Thiele
9th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena in Thermal-Fluid Engineering …, 1996
Hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelization of an Euler–Lagrange approach to cavitation modelling
S Yakubov, B Cankurt, M Abdel-Maksoud, T Rung
Computers & Fluids 80, 365-371, 2013
On the realizability of nonlinear stress–strain relationships for Reynolds stress closures
T Rung, F Thiele, S Fu
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 60 (4), 333-359, 1998
Experience using pressure-based CFD methods for Euler–Euler simulations of cavitating flows
S Yakubov, T Maquil, T Rung
Computers & Fluids 111, 91-104, 2015
Adjoint RANS with filtered shape derivatives for hydrodynamic optimisation
A Stück, T Rung
Computers & Fluids 47 (1), 22-32, 2011
Aircraft ditching: a free surface/free motion problem
H Streckwall, O Lindenau, L Bensch
Archives of civil and mechanical engineering 7 (3), 177-190, 2007
Analysis of non-conservative interpolation techniques in overset grid finite-volume methods
S Völkner, J Brunswig, T Rung
Computers & fluids 148, 39-55, 2017
Challenges and perspectives for maritime CFD applications
T Rung, K Wöckner, M Manzke, J Brunswig, C Ulrich, A Stück
Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft 103, 127-39, 2009
Prediction of the spreading mechanism of 3D turbulent wall jets with explicit Reynolds–stress closures
HM Lübcke, T Rung, F Thiele
International journal of heat and fluid flow 24 (4), 434-443, 2003
Variational quantum algorithms for computational fluid dynamics
D Jaksch, P Givi, AJ Daley, T Rung
AIAA journal 61 (5), 1885-1894, 2023
Validation of the GPU-Accelerated CFD Solver elbe for Free Surface Flow Problems in Civil and Environmental Engineering
CF Janßen, D Mierke, M Überrück, S Gralher, T Rung
Computation 3 (3), 354-385, 2015
Numerical and experimental study of propeller ventilation
AM Kozlowska, K Wöckner, S Steen, T Rung, K Koushan, S Spence
Second International Symposium on Marine Propulors, Hamburg, Germany, 2011
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Articles 1–20