Mark R. Petersen
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Cited by
The DOE E3SM coupled model version 1: Overview and evaluation at standard resolution
JC Golaz, PM Caldwell, LP Van Roekel, MR Petersen, Q Tang, JD Wolfe, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (7), 2089-2129, 2019
A multi-resolution approach to global ocean modeling
T Ringler, M Petersen, RL Higdon, D Jacobsen, PW Jones, M Maltrud
Ocean Modelling 69, 211-232, 2013
An image-based approach to extreme scale in situ visualization and analysis
J Ahrens, S Jourdain, P O'Leary, J Patchett, DH Rogers, M Petersen
SC'14: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance …, 2014
The DOE E3SM model version 2: Overview of the physical model and initial model evaluation
JC Golaz, LP Van Roekel, X Zheng, AF Roberts, JD Wolfe, W Lin, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 14 (12), e2022MS003156, 2022
Baroclinic vorticity production in protoplanetary disks. I. Vortex formation
MR Petersen, K Julien, GR Stewart
The Astrophysical Journal 658 (2), 1236, 2007
Role of global warming on the statistics of record-breaking temperatures
S Redner, MR Petersen
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (6 …, 2006
Evaluation of the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian vertical coordinate method in the MPAS-Ocean model
MR Petersen, DW Jacobsen, TD Ringler, MW Hecht, ME Maltrud
Ocean Modelling 86, 93-113, 2015
Baroclinic vorticity production in protoplanetary disks. II. Vortex growth and longevity
MR Petersen, GR Stewart, K Julien
The Astrophysical Journal 658 (2), 1252, 2007
An evaluation of the ocean and sea ice climate of E3SM using MPAS and interannual CORE‐II forcing
MR Petersen, XS Asay‐Davis, AS Berres, Q Chen, N Feige, MJ Hoffman, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (5), 1438-1458, 2019
A three‐dimensional eddy census of a high‐resolution global ocean simulation
MR Petersen, SJ Williams, ME Maltrud, MW Hecht, B Hamann
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (4), 1759-1774, 2013
Forcing for statistically stationary compressible isotropic turbulence
MR Petersen, D Livescu
Physics of Fluids 22 (11), 2010
Adaptive extraction and quantification of geophysical vortices
S Williams, M Petersen, PT Bremer, M Hecht, V Pascucci, J Ahrens, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 17 (12), 2088-2095, 2011
In situ eddy analysis in a high-resolution ocean climate model
J Woodring, M Petersen, A Schmeißer, J Patchett, J Ahrens, H Hagen
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22 (1), 857-866, 2015
New phenomena in variable-density Rayleigh–Taylor turbulence
D Livescu, JR Ristorcelli, MR Petersen, RA Gore
Physica Scripta 2010 (T142), 014015, 2010
Direct numerical simulations of Rayleigh-Taylor instability
D Livescu, T Wei, MR Petersen
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 318 (8), 082007, 2011
Visualization and analysis of eddies in a global ocean simulation
S Williams, M Hecht, M Petersen, R Strelitz, M Maltrud, J Ahrens, ...
Computer graphics forum 30 (3), 991-1000, 2011
Cinema image-based in situ analysis and visualization of MPAS-ocean simulations
P O’Leary, J Ahrens, S Jourdain, S Wittenburg, DH Rogers, M Petersen
Parallel Computing 55, 43-48, 2016
Diagnosing isopycnal diffusivity in an eddying, idealized midlatitude ocean basin via Lagrangian, in situ, global, high-performance particle tracking (LIGHT)
PJ Wolfram, TD Ringler, ME Maltrud, DW Jacobsen, MR Petersen
Journal of Physical Oceanography 45 (8), 2114-2133, 2015
Implementation of the LANS-α turbulence model in a primitive equation ocean model
MW Hecht, DD Holm, MR Petersen, BA Wingate
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (11), 5691-5716, 2008
Colormaps that improve perception of high-resolution ocean data
F Samsel, M Petersen, T Geld, G Abram, J Wendelberger, J Ahrens
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human …, 2015
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Articles 1–20