Johan Oomen
Johan Oomen
Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
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Cited by
Crowdsourcing in the cultural heritage domain: opportunities and challenges
J Oomen, L Aroyo
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Communities and …, 2011
Digital hermeneutics: Agora and the online understanding of cultural heritage
C Van Den Akker, S Legêne, M Van Erp, L Aroyo, R Segers, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Web Science Conference, 1-7, 2011
DIVE into the event-based browsing of linked historical media
V De Boer, J Oomen, O Inel, L Aroyo, E Van Staveren, W Helmich, ...
Journal of Web Semantics 35, 152-158, 2015
Crowdsourcing rock n'roll multimedia retrieval
CGM Snoek, B Freiburg, J Oomen, R Ordelman
Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1535-1538, 2010
Hacking history via event extraction
R Segers, M Van Erp, L Van Der Meij, L Aroyo, J van Ossenbruggen, ...
Proceedings of the sixth international conference on Knowledge capture, 161-162, 2011
Sharing cultural heritage the linked open data way: why you should sign up
J Oomen, MGJ van Erp, L Baltussen
Museums and the Web 2012, 2012
Emerging practices in the cultural heritage domain-social tagging of audiovisual heritage
J Oomen, L Belice Baltussen, S Limonard, A van Ees, M Brinkerink, ...
Towards integration of end-user tags with professional annotations
R Gligorov, LB Baltussen, J van Ossenbruggen, L Aroyo, M Brinkerink, ...
Waisda? Video labeling game
M Hildebrand, M Brinkerink, R Gligorov, M Van Steenbergen, J Huijkman, ...
Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Multimedia, 823-826, 2013
Automatic Heritage Metadata Enrichment with Historic Events.
MGJ van Erp, J Oomen, R Segers, CM van den Akker, LM Aroyo, ...
Museums and the Web 2011, 2011
Waisda?: making videos findable through crowdsourced annotations
J Oomen, R Gligorov, M Hildebrand
Crowdsourcing our cultural heritage, 161-184, 2016
A multidisciplinary approach to unlocking television broadcast archives
L Hollink, G Schreiber, B Huurnink, M van Liempt, M de Rijke, ...
Interdisciplinary science reviews 34 (2-3), 253-267, 2009
Historical event-based access to museum collections
C Van den Akker, L Aroyo, A Cybulska, M Van Erp, P Gorgels, L Hollink, ...
Applied Artificial Intelligence 25, 2010
Images for the future: Unlocking value of audiovisual heritage
J Oomen
Enriching media collections for event-based exploration
V De Boer, L Melgar, O Inel, CM Ortiz, L Aroyo, J Oomen
Metadata and Semantic Research: 11th International Conference, MTSR 2017 …, 2017
Open culture data: Opening GLAM data bottom-up
LB Baltussen, J Oomen, M Brinkerink, M Zeinstra, N Timmermans
Annual Conference of Museums and the Web, Portland OR, USA, 2013
Multimodal indexing of digital audio-visual documents: A case study for cultural heritage data
J Carmichael, M Larson, J Marlow, E Newman, P Clough, J Oomen, S Sav
2008 International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 93-100, 2008
Gathering requirements for multilingual search of audiovisual material in cultural heritage
S Minelli, J Marlow, P Clough, J Recuero, J Gonzalo, J Oomen, ...
Proceedings of Workshop on User Centricity-state of the art (16th IST Mobile …, 2007
Bringing Europe’s audiovisual heritage online: EUscreenXL
E Verbruggen, J Oomen, E Müller
IASA journal 42, 54-60, 2014
Polimedia-analysing media coverage of political debates by automatically generated links to radio newspaper items
M Kleppe, L Hollink, M Kemman, D Juric, H Beunders, J Blom, J Oomen, ...
LinkedUp Veni Competition on Linked and Open Data for Education, 2014
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Articles 1–20