Daniel Houser
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Cited by
A functioning imaging study of ‘Theory of Mind’in two person reciprocal exchange
D Houser, K McCabe, L Ryan, T Trouard, VL Smith
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98, 11832-11835, 2001
Reputation in auctions: Theory, and evidence from eBay
D Houser, J Wooders
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 15 (2), 353-369, 2006
Experiments investigating cooperative types in humans: A complement to evolutionary theory and simulations
R Kurzban, D Houser
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (5), 1803-1807, 2005
Emotion expression in human punishment behavior
E Xiao, D Houser
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (20), 7398-7401, 2005
Emotion regulation and decision making under risk and uncertainty.
RM Heilman, LG Crişan, D Houser, M Miclea, AC Miu
Emotion 10 (2), 257, 2010
Fairness and cheating
D Houser, S Vetter, J Winter
European Economic Review 56 (8), 1645-1655, 2012
Anxiety impairs decision-making: Psychophysiological evidence from an Iowa Gambling Task
AC Miu, RM Heilman, D Houser
Biological psychology 77 (3), 353-358, 2008
Disposition, history and contributions in public goods experiments
A Gunnthorsdottir, D Houser, K McCabe
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 62 (2), 304-315, 2007
Distinguishing trust from risk: An anatomy of the investment game
D Houser, D Schunk, J Winter
Journal of economic behavior & organization 74 (1-2), 72-81, 2010
Revisiting kindness and confusion in public goods experiments
D Houser, R Kurzban
The American Economic Review, 2002
Individual differences in cooperation in a circular public goods game
R Kurzban, D Houser
European Journal of Personality 15 (S1), S37-S52, 2001
When punishment fails: Research on sanctions, intentions and non-cooperation
D Houser, E Xiao, K McCabe, V Smith
Games and Economic Behavior 62 (2), 509-532, 2008
Behavior in a dynamic decision problem: An analysis of experimental evidence using a Bayesian type classification algorithm
D Houser, M Keane, K McCabe
Econometrica 72 (3), 781-822, 2004
Avoiding the sharp tongue: Anticipated written messages promote fair economic exchange
E Xiao, D Houser
Journal of Economic Psychology 30 (3), 393-404, 2009
Classification of natural language messages using a coordination game
D Houser, E Xiao
Experimental Economics 14, 1-14, 2011
Dishonesty: From parents to children
D Houser, JA List, M Piovesan, A Samek, J Winter
European Economic Review 82, 242-254, 2016
What you don’t know won’t hurt you: a laboratory analysis of betrayal aversion
JA Aimone, D Houser
Experimental Economics 15, 571-588, 2012
Neural signatures of betrayal aversion: an fMRI study of trust
JA Aimone, D Houser, B Weber
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1782), 20132127, 2014
Neural responses to sanction threats in two-party economic exchange
J Li, E Xiao, D Houser, PR Montague
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (39), 16835-16840, 2009
Punish in public
E Xiao, D Houser
Journal of Public Economics 95 (7-8), 1006-1017, 2011
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Articles 1–20