Nguyen Hai Son
Nguyen Hai Son
Associate professor, Institut de Nanotechnologies de Lyon (INL) - Ecole Centrale de Lyon
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Cited by
Acoustic black hole in a stationary hydrodynamic flow of microcavity polaritons
HS Nguyen, D Gerace, I Carusotto, D Sanvitto, E Galopin, A Lemaître, ...
Physical review letters 114 (3), 036402, 2015
Perovskite semiconductors for room-temperature exciton-polaritonics
R Su, A Fieramosca, Q Zhang, HS Nguyen, E Deleporte, Z Chen, ...
Nature Materials 20 (10), 1315-1324, 2021
All-optical phase modulation in a cavity-polariton Mach–Zehnder interferometer
C Sturm, D Tanese, HS Nguyen, H Flayac, E Galopin, A Lemaître, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3278, 2014
Realization of a double-barrier resonant tunneling diode for cavity polaritons
HS Nguyen, D Vishnevsky, C Sturm, D Tanese, D Solnyshkov, E Galopin, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (23), 236601, 2013
Single artificial atoms in silicon emitting at telecom wavelengths
W Redjem, A Durand, T Herzig, A Benali, S Pezzagna, J Meijer, ...
Nature Electronics 3, 738-743, 2020
Ultra-coherent single photon source
HS Nguyen, G Sallen, C Voisin, P Roussignol, C Diederichs, G Cassabois
Applied Physics Letters 99 (26), 2011
Optically gated resonant emission of single quantum dots
HS Nguyen, G Sallen, C Voisin, P Roussignol, C Diederichs, G Cassabois
Physical review letters 108 (5), 057401, 2012
Polariton Bose–Einstein condensate from a bound state in the continuum
V Ardizzone, F Riminucci, S Zanotti, A Gianfrate, M Efthymiou-Tsironi, ...
Nature 605 (7910), 447-452, 2022
Tunable Mie-Resonant Dielectric Metasurfaces Based on VO2 Phase-Transition Materials
A Tripathi, J John, S Kruk, Z Zhang, HS Nguyen, L Berguiga, PR Romeo, ...
ACS photonics 8 (4), 1206-1213, 2021
Realization of an all optical exciton-polariton router
F Marsault, HS Nguyen, D Tanese, A Lemaître, E Galopin, I Sagnes, ...
Applied Physics Letters 107, 201115, 2015
Photoneutralization and slow capture of carriers in quantum dots probed by resonant excitation spectroscopy
HS Nguyen, G Sallen, M Abbarchi, R Ferreira, C Voisin, P Roussignol, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (11), 115305, 2013
Symmetry breaking in photonic crystals: on-demand dispersion from flatband to Dirac cones
HS Nguyen, F Dubois, T Deschamps, S Cueff, A Pardon, JL Leclercq, ...
Physical review letters 120 (6), 066102, 2018
Tailoring dispersion of room-temperature exciton-polaritons with perovskite-based subwavelength metasurfaces
NHM Dang, D Gerace, E Drouard, G Trippé-Allard, F Lédée, R Mazurczyk, ...
Nano Letters 20 (3), 2113-2119, 2020
Magic configurations in moiré superlattice of bilayer photonic crystals: Almost-perfect flatbands and unconventional localization
DX Nguyen, X Letartre, E Drouard, P Viktorovitch, HC Nguyen, ...
Physical Review Research 4 (3), L032031, 2022
Engineering a light–matter strong coupling regime in perovskite-based plasmonic metasurface: quasi-bound state in the continuum and exceptional points
L Lu, Q Le-Van, L Ferrier, E Drouard, C Seassal, HS Nguyen
Photonics Research 8 (12), A91-A100, 2020
Realization of polaritonic topological charge at room temperature using polariton bound states in the continuum from perovskite metasurface
NHM Dang, S Zanotti, E Drouard, C Chevalier, G Trippé‐Allard, M Amara, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 10 (6), 2102386, 2022
Phase-controlled bistability of a dark soliton train in a polariton fluid
V Goblot, HS Nguyen, I Carusotto, E Galopin, A Lemaître, I Sagnes, ...
Physical Review Letters 117 (21), 217401, 2016
Tamm plasmon photonic crystals: From bandgap engineering to defect cavity
L Ferrier, HS Nguyen, C Jamois, L Berguiga, C Symonds, J Bellessa, ...
APL Photonics 4 (10), 2019
Room-temperature cavity polaritons with 3D hybrid perovskite: toward large-surface polaritonic devices
P Bouteyre, HS Nguyen, JS Lauret, G Trippé-Allard, G Delport, F Lédée, ...
ACS photonics 6 (7), 1804-1811, 2019
Giant enhancement of luminescence down-shifting by a doubly resonant rare-earth-doped photonic metastructure
NV Hoang, A Pereira, HS Nguyen, E Drouard, B Moine, T Deschamps, ...
ACS photonics 4 (7), 1705-1712, 2017
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Articles 1–20