Pilar Sala-Soriano
Pilar Sala-Soriano
EU Projects manager at MYSPHERA
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Cited by
A modelling framework for ambient assisted living validation
JC Naranjo, C Fernandez, P Sala, M Hellenschmidt, F Mercalli
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Intelligent and Ubiquitous …, 2009
Ontology for modeling interaction in ambient assisted living environments
JB Mocholí, P Sala, C Fernández-Llatas, JC Naranjo
XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and …, 2010
Ambient assisted living spaces validation by services and devices simulation
C Fernández-Llatas, JB Mocholí, P Sala, JC Naranjo, SF Pileggi, ...
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
AIoTES: Setting the principles for semantic interoperable and modern IoT-enabled reference architecture for Active and Healthy Ageing ecosystems
CI Valero, AMM Gil, R Gonzalez-Usach, M Julian, G Fico, MT Arredondo, ...
Computer Communications 177, 96-111, 2021
Conjoint persona–soprano workshop
E Avatangelou, RF Dommarco, M Klein, S Müller, CF Nielsen, ...
Constructing Ambient Intelligence: AmI 2007 Workshops Darmstadt, Germany …, 2008
Process choreography for Interaction simulation in Ambient Assisted Living environments
C Fernández-Llatas, JB Mocholi, C Sanchez, P Sala, JC Naranjo
XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and …, 2010
Virtual reality for AAL services interaction design and evaluation
P Sala, F Kamieth, JB Mocholí, JC Naranjo
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Context Diversity: 6th …, 2011
IoT European Large-Scale Pilots - Integration, Experimentation and Testing
S Guillén, P Sala, G Fico, MT Arredondo, A Cano, J Posada, G Gutiérrez, ...
Cognitive Hyperconnected Digital Transformation. Internet of Things …, 2017
Cloud Computing for Context-Aware Enhanced m-Health Services
C Fernandez-Llatas, SF Pileggi, G Ibañez, Z Valero, P Sala
Data Mining in Clinical Medicine, 147-155, 2015
Implementation of the ISO/IEC 24756 for the Interaction Modeling of an AAL Space
P Sala, C Fernandez, JB Mocholí, P Presencia, JC Naranjo
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Context Diversity: 6th …, 2011
Use Cases, Applications and Implementation Aspects for IoT Interoperability
R Gonzalez-Usach, CE Palau, M Julian, A Belsa, MA Llorente, ...
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Context Diversity
P Sala, C Fernandez, JB Mocholí, P Presencia, JC Naranjo
Springer, 2011
Process choreography for human interaction computer-aided simulation
C Fernandez-Llatas, JB Mocholí, P Sala, JC Naranjo
Human-Computer Interaction. Design and Development Approaches: 14th …, 2011
Innovative Concepts for Prevention and Disease Management of Cardiovascular Diseases
SG Guillén, P Sala, J Habetha, R Schmidt, MT Arredondo
2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2006
Interactive Information Environment for the controlled practice of physical training to improve cardiovascular fitness
SG Guillén, V Traver, P Sala, M Traver, M Romagnoli, MT Arredondo, ...
2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, 2211-2214, 2006
Ethical Decision Making in Iot Data Driven Research: A Case Study of a Large-Scale Pilot
S Segkouli, G Fico, C Vera-Muñoz, M Lecumberri, A Voulgaridis, ...
Healthcare 10 (5), 957, 2022
Self care system for Heart Failure out of hospital patients
E Villalba, I Peinado, MT Arredondo, MT Meneu, P Sala, S Guillén
2008 Second International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for …, 2008
Enhancing medical evidence discovery through Interactive Pattern Recognition and process mining
V Traver, A Martinez-Romero, JL Bayo, P Sala, P Carvalho, J Henriques, ...
2016 Global Medical Engineering Physics Exchanges/Pan American Health Care …, 2016
universAAL: towards the assisting technologies market Breakthrough
P Sala, S Guillen, JC Naranjo, JP Lazaro, J Gorman
Stud. Health Technol. Inform. 189, 187-192, 2013
Mobile Cloud Computing Architecture for Ubiquitous Empowering of People with Disabilities.
C Fernandez-Llatas, G Ibáñez, P Sala, SF Pileggi, JC Naranjo
ICSOFT (1), 377-382, 2011
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Articles 1–20