Alan Godoy
Alan Godoy
AI Researcher/Engineer, Nubank/University of Campinas
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Cited by
A competition on generalized software-based face presentation attack detection in mobile scenarios
Z Boulkenafet, J Komulainen, Z Akhtar, A Benlamoudi, D Samai, ...
2017 IEEE international joint conference on biometrics (IJCB), 688-696, 2017
Overview of BTAS 2016 speaker anti-spoofing competition
P Korshunov, S Marcel, H Muckenhirn, AR Gonçalves, AGS Mello, ...
2016 IEEE 8th international conference on biometrics theory, applications …, 2016
Online Social Network Analysis: A Survey of Research Applications in Computer Science
DB Kurka, A Godoy, J Fernando
arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.05655, 2015
A complex neighborhood based particle swarm optimization
A Godoy, FJ Von Zuben
2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 720-727, 2009
The role of the interaction network in the emergence of diversity of behavior
A Godoy, P Tabacof, FJ Von Zuben
PloS one 12 (2), e0172073, 2017
Cross-Domain Face Verification: Matching ID Document and Self-Portrait Photographs
G Folego, MA Angeloni, JA Stuchi, A Godoy, A Rocha
XII Workshop de Visão Computacional, 311-316, 2016
Using deep learning for detecting spoofing attacks on speech signals
A Godoy, F Simoes, JA Stuchi, MA Angeloni, M Uliani, R Violato
arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.01746, 2015
Augmenting customer support with an NLP-based receptionist
A Barbosa, A Godoy
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.01959, 2021
Compressing representations for embedded deep learning
JS Assine, A Godoy, E Valle
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.10321, 2019
Birds of a Feather Tweet Together: Computational Techniques to Understand User Communities in Social Networks.
DB Kurka, A Godoy, FJ Von Zuben
# Microposts, 21-27, 2016
Pay Voice: Point of Sale Recognition for Visually Impaired People
G Folego, F Costa, B Costa, A Godoy, L Pita
XIV Workshop de Visão Computacional (WVC 2018), 2018
Efeitos do Estágio Docente na Formação do Pós-Graduando
A Godoy, E de Souza da Silva, RC Figueiredo
WEI XXI Workshop sobre Educação em Computação – Congresso da Sociedade …, 2013
Topology of social networks and efficiency of collective intelligence methods
A Godoy, FJ Von Zuben
Proceedings of the 15th annual conference companion on Genetic and …, 2013
Aplicação de Redes Complexas para a Definição de Vizinhança na Otimização por Enxame de Partículas
AGS Mello
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2010
Using retweet information as a feature to classify messages contents
DB Kurka, A Godoy, FJ Von Zuben
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion …, 2017
Effects of Social Ties in Knowledge Diffusion: case study on PLOS ONE
F Eltermann, A Godoy, F Von Zuben
Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2016
Multiplex network approach for scientific articles
LM Barbosa, R Attux, A Godoy
NetSci-x2015-Network Science Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 30, 2015
Uma análise de assortatividade e similaridade para
LM Barbosa, R Attux, A Godoy
Sonification of population behavior in Particle Swarm Optimization
TF Tavares, A Godoy
Proceedings of the 15th annual conference companion on Genetic and …, 2013
Sonification of population behavior in Particle Swarm Optimization: Extended Material
TF Tavares, A Godoy
Proceedings of the 15th annual conference companion on Genetic and …, 0
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Articles 1–20