Rebecca Campbell
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Cited by
Response heterogeneity to home-based restorative cognitive rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis: An exploratory study
TA Fuchs, S Ziccardi, MG Dwyer, LE Charvet, A Bartnik, R Campbell, ...
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 34, 103-111, 2019
Context matters: Financial, psychological, and relationship insecurity around personal finance is associated with financial exploitation
PA Lichtenberg, R Campbell, LT Hall, EZ Gross
The Gerontologist 60 (6), 1040-1049, 2020
Functional connectivity and structural disruption in the default‐mode network predicts cognitive rehabilitation outcomes in multiple sclerosis
TA Fuchs, S Ziccardi, RHB Benedict, A Bartnik, A Kuceyeski, LE Charvet, ...
Journal of Neuroimaging 30 (4), 523-530, 2020
Providing assistance for older adult financial exploitation victims: Implications for clinical gerontologists
PA Lichtenberg, L Hall, E Gross, R Campbell
Clinical Gerontologist 42 (4), 435-443, 2019
The impact of financial coaching on older adult victims of financial exploitation: A quasi-experimental research study
LT Hall, R Campbell, E Gross, PA Lichtenberg
Financial counseling and planning: the journal of the Association for …, 2022
A short form of the Lichtenberg financial decision rating scale
PA Lichtenberg, E Gross, R Campbell
Clinical gerontologist 43 (3), 256-265, 2020
Cross-validation of the screening scale in an adult protective services sample
RJ Campbell, E Gross, PA Lichtenberg
Journal of elder abuse & neglect 31 (1), 25-37, 2019
A short form of the financial exploitation vulnerability scale
RJ Campbell, PA Lichtenberg
Clinical Gerontologist 44 (5), 594-603, 2021
Implementation of financial decision making scales into statewide APS practice: the Michigan experience
PA Lichtenberg, M Tocco, R Campbell, M Shipp
Journal of elder abuse & neglect 33 (1), 33-46, 2021
Psychological Aspects of Elder Financial Exploitation:: Risk Factors, Intervention Approaches, and Case Studies
PA Lichtenberg, R Campbell, L Hall
A Fresh Look at Fraud, 88-110, 2022
Which items of the financial decision tracker differentiate those with decision-making deficits from those with no deficits? Data from the Michigan APS implementation project
PA Lichtenberg, M Tocco, R Campbell, M Shipp
Clinical gerontologist 44 (5), 577-584, 2021
The impact of financial coaching on health and finances in older scam and ID theft victims
P Lichtenberg, LT Hall, R Campbell, E Gross
Innovation in Aging 4 (Suppl 1), 309, 2020
P. 133 Accidental dural puncture during epidural blood patch: what happens next? A national survey
M Broom, R Boyle, R Campbell, M Loy
International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 50, 71-72, 2022
P. 18 The bupivacaine guessing game: Variance in spinal local anaesthetic volume for preterm caesarean delivery
R Campbell, H Andrews, M Broom, M Loy
International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 46, 2021
A short screening measure of contextual vulnerability for financial exploitation
R Campbell, P Lichtenberg
Innovation in Aging 4 (Supplement_1), 442-443, 2020
Financial decision making self-efficacy in cognitively and financially vulnerable older adults
EZ Gross, RJ Campbell, LT Hall, P Lichtenberg
Innovation in Aging 3 (Supplement_1), S477-S478, 2019
P. 20 COVID-19 and obstetrics: Comparing the “Waves”
AR McCallum, N Brown, R Campbell, K Litchfield, R Kearns
International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 46, 103018, 2021
P. 1 Deprivation and SARS-CoV-2 in obstetric patients
RJ Kearns, AR McCallum, R Campbell, M Shaw, K Litchfield
International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 46, 102999, 2021
Multi-center Characterization of Brain Atrophy and Lesion Accrual Rates in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Assessed on Clinical-routine T2-FLAIR MRI Using the NeuroSTREAM and SCLV …
M Dwyer, N Bergsland, S Eckert, R Campbell, J Hagemeier, D Jakimovski, ...
Neurology 94 (15_supplement), 4903, 2020
3.4 Brain Connectome, Cognitive Reserve, and Response to Cognitive Intervention
TA Fuchs, S Ziccardi, RHB Benedict, A Bartnik, LE Charvet, D Oship, ...
Conscientiousness, Cognitive Reserve, and the Human Brain Connectome in …, 2019
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Articles 1–20