Joseph A. Hagmann
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Cited by
Molecular beam epitaxy growth and structure of self-assembled Bi2Se3/Bi2MnSe4 multilayer heterostructures
JA Hagmann, X Li, S Chowdhury, SN Dong, S Rouvimov, ...
New Journal of Physics 19 (8), 085002, 2017
Atom‐by‐atom fabrication of single and few dopant quantum devices
J Wyrick, X Wang, RV Kashid, P Namboodiri, SW Schmucker, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (52), 1903475, 2019
High resolution thickness measurements of ultrathin Si: P monolayers using weak localization
JA Hagmann, X Wang, P Namboodiri, J Wyrick, R Murray, MD Stewart, ...
Applied Physics Letters 112 (4), 2018
Quantifying atom-scale dopant movement and electrical activation in Si: P monolayers
X Wang, JA Hagmann, P Namboodiri, J Wyrick, K Li, RE Murray, A Myers, ...
Nanoscale 10 (9), 4488-4499, 2018
Contact and noncontact measurement of electronic transport in individual 2d SnS colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals
AJ Biacchi, ST Le, BG Alberding, JA Hagmann, SJ Pookpanratana, ...
ACS nano 12 (10), 10045-10060, 2018
Measurement of magnetization of Ga1− xMnxAs by ferromagnetic resonance
JA Hagmann, K Traudt, YY Zhou, X Liu, M Dobrowolska, JK Furdyna
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 360, 137-142, 2014
Rapid diffusion of electrons in GaMnAs
CP Weber, EA Kittlaus, KB Mattia, CJ Waight, J Hagmann, X Liu, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (18), 2013
Towards superconductivity in p-type delta-doped Si/Al/Si heterostructures
AN Ramanayaka, HS Kim, JA Hagmann, RE Murray, K Tang, ...
AIP Advances 8 (7), 2018
Interacting nanoscale magnetic superatom cluster arrays in molybdenum oxide bronzes
JA Hagmann, ST Le, LF Schneemeyer, JA Stroscio, T Besara, J Sun, ...
Nanoscale 9 (23), 7922-7929, 2017
Topological Insulators and Grown by MBE on (001) GaAs Substrates
X Liu, DJ Smith, J Fan, YH Zhang, H Cao, YP Chen, BJ Kirby, N Sun, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1416 (1), 105-108, 2011
Use of quantum effects as potential qualifying metrics for “quantum grade silicon”
AN Ramanayaka, K Tang, JA Hagmann, HS Kim, DS Simons, CA Richter, ...
AIP advances 9 (12), 2019
Investigation of anomalous magnetoresistance in topological insulator Bi2Te3 at the onset of superconductivity in indium contacts
JA Hagmann, X Liu, M Dobrowolska, JK Furdyna
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (17), 2013
Electron-electron interactions in low-dimensional Si: P delta layers
JA Hagmann, X Wang, R Kashid, P Namboodiri, J Wyrick, SW Schmucker, ...
Physical Review B 101 (24), 245419, 2020
Chalcogenide topological insulators
JA Hagmann
Chalcogenide, 305-337, 2020
Strong equilibration of Landau levels edge-states at the graphene edge
ST Le, JA Hagmann, N Klimov, D Newell, JU Lee, J Yan, CA Richter
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.04726, 2019
Geometric interference in a high-mobility graphene annulus p-n junction device
ST Le, AF Rigosi, JA Hagmann, C Gutierrez, JU Lee, CA Richter
Physical Review B 105 (4), 045407, 2022
Reducing multijunction thermal converter output resistance to reduce measurement noise
JA Hagmann, CW Perera, S Cular
2020 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM), 1-2, 2020
Advanced experimental methods for low-temperature magnetotransport measurement of novel materials
JA Hagmann, ST Le, CA Richter, DG Seiler
Journal of Visualized Experiments: Jove, 53506, 2016
Magnetotransport investigation of bismuth chalcogenide topological insulators
JA Hagmann
University of Notre Dame, 2013
Low-frequency characteristics of silicon-based high-current multijunction thermal current converters fabricated by wet chemical etching
Y Amagai, S Cular, JA Hagmann, TE Lipe, NH Kaneko
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-7, 2020
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Articles 1–20